King Hut/ Muesli Spur/ Mt. Speculation. DEC. 3-5th 2023

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King Hut/ Muesli Spur/ Mt. Speculation. DEC. 3-5th 2023

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Thu 07 Dec, 2023 7:41 pm ... ion.94195/

You can read a trip report with photos at the above web link.
It was an enjoyable bushwalking trip.
Lagarostrobos franklinii
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Re: King Hut/ Muesli Spur/ Mt. Speculation. DEC. 3-5th 2023

Postby Baeng72 » Thu 07 Dec, 2023 8:10 pm

I'm confused about which thread I should post on. Apologies if I put a reply on the wrong one!
Hey, do you reckon I could get the 2WD down Spec. Road, not all the way to King Basin road, but I believe there's a place where you can park before?
I'm thinking only if it's dry, not sure it'd be smart if it's slick/raining....
I was thinking of it last weekend, but too wet.
Athrotaxis selaginoides
Athrotaxis selaginoides
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Re: King Hut/ Muesli Spur/ Mt. Speculation. DEC. 3-5th 2023

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Thu 07 Dec, 2023 8:26 pm

Three other walkers in 2 WD cars all parked at the King Basin/ Spec. road junction and hiked up the same route that I used. We had a good chat at Mt. Spec. at the sunset on Monday 4/12/23,
and they were good people with outdoor experience in the Vic. Alps.There are a couple of rough bits on the first six kms or so of the Spec. rd.
but basically just go slow and put the car into low gear where necessary.
Even in my car I found the track down to King hut to be a river bed . Whereas five years ago I was easily able to drive my soft roader down to King Hut. Conditions change and I did not want to smash the flux capacitor on the under carriage of the car nor did I wish to become hopelessly bogged. Both were distinct possibilities.I could not see what was at the bottom of those marsh like bog holes / mini lakes.
I don't have low range gears or the clearance needed. Having AWD and off road tyres and off road shock absorbers makes little difference when the roads are just a disaster after so much rain.
Last edited by paidal_chalne_vala on Fri 08 Dec, 2023 8:17 am, edited 3 times in total.
Lagarostrobos franklinii
Lagarostrobos franklinii
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Re: King Hut/ Muesli Spur/ Mt. Speculation. DEC. 3-5th 2023

Postby Baeng72 » Thu 07 Dec, 2023 8:31 pm

paidal_chalne_vala wrote:Three other walkers in 2 WD cars all parked at the King Basin/ Spec. road junction and hiked up the same route that I used. We had a good chat at Mt. Spec. at the sunset on Monday 4/12/23,
and they were good people with outdoor experience in the Vic. Alps.There are couple of rough bits on the first six kms or so of the Spec. rd.
but basically just go slow and put the car in low gear where necessary.
Even in my car I found the track down to King hut to be a river bed . Whereas five years ago I was easily able to drive my soft roader down to King Hut. Conditions change and I did not want to smash the flux capacitor on the under carriage of the car nor did I wish to become hopelessly bogged. Both were distinct possibilities.I could not see what was at the bottom of those marsh like bog holes / mini lakes.
I don't have low range gears or the clearance needed. Having AWD and off road tyres and shock absorbers makes little difference when the roads are just a disaster after so much rain.

A man's gots to know his car's limitations, or in my case, driver's limitations.
I think after a bit of warm, dry weather, I'd be OK heading down Spec. road then.
Nice intel, and thanks.
Athrotaxis selaginoides
Athrotaxis selaginoides
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