NBW Hut Baw Baw N.P 25th-26th May

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NBW Hut Baw Baw N.P 25th-26th May

Postby Camminata » Sun 26 May, 2024 2:30 pm

Took the shortish drive across to Baw Baw National Park , aim was to locate NBW Hut, started walking up from Erica car park around 10ish beautiful crisp sunny morning, forgotten how nice it is in the Baw Baws has an intimate vibe about it. Found my turn off point past Mushroom Rocks and headed off the trail in search of this "No Bloodyy Women' Hut! aka NBW
come prepared with the coordinate marked on the GPS aswell as compass and paper map incase of any iPhone mishaps. There is a very faint pad on route as well as yellow flag tape along the way so was quite straight forward but still required good concentration as I did go awol at one point faced with a wall of thick impassable scrub, retraced my steps back and found the correct route sort of. Crossed a dryish creek and a few meters later arrived at Rum Creek very beautiful creek I collected water and forged on another 50 meters and got to the hut.

Had a snack and read a few comments on the log book some dated back to 2015 pretty cool!and a spooky vibe, I too signed the log book took a few photos and decided I would continue off track north west up to Mt Erica to rejoin the AAWT.

200 meters onwards from the hut I come out to a clearing of low scrub would be great spot to camp but would require some scrub mowing, marked a way point on the gps as a point of return, started heading upwards navigating over and around some big rocks, at around the 1300 meter contour line it started to climb steeper and a little more rough thicker scrub, popped out on Mt Erica just in time for lunch.

After a bite I continued on the track proper to Talbot ruins and a visit to Talbot trig... was getting on 2 pm wasn't too interested walking further or camping at the ruins as was too early so slowly headed back down to Mushroom Rocks, was met with another two walkers coming the other way , was hoping Mushroom Rocks wasn't heaving with campers but pleasantly surprised had the place to myself, wandered around the rocks for awhile before setting up tent and relaxing for the arvo.

Was a cold clear night with a frosty start to the morning I headed back down and back to Melbourne, overall very enjoyable hike and if you don't mind some off piste walking a great little circuit since the plateau has no circuits , covered approx 13 kms more or less.
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Last edited by Camminata on Fri 31 May, 2024 6:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: NBW Hut Baw Baw N.P 27th-28th May

Postby Baeng72 » Tue 28 May, 2024 9:19 am

Nice one!
I have yet to explore the Baw Baws.
Mush room rocks up to Mt Erica (plateau?), looks a fun walk.
The AAWT is a long slog isn't up that way?
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Re: NBW Hut Baw Baw N.P 27th-28th May

Postby Camminata » Tue 28 May, 2024 9:40 am

Baeng72 wrote:Nice one!
I have yet to explore the Baw Baws.
Mush room rocks up to Mt Erica (plateau?), looks a fun walk.
The AAWT is a long slog isn't up that way?

From Erica Car Park to top of Plateau is around 2 hours of easy walking , once on top its undulating , good camp spot at Talbot ruins and water, Whitelaw ruins is a top spot to spend the night also, can access from St Gwinear c.p also or Baw Baw Village or the northern end Stronachs Camp either way its a beautiful place and so close to Melb CBD.
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Re: NBW Hut Baw Baw N.P 27th-28th May

Postby Baeng72 » Tue 28 May, 2024 10:37 am

According to google, it's a bit faster from my part of Melb. to Mt. St Gwinear than to Upper Howqua campsite (3hrs vs 3.5 hrs approx.).
Will have to add it to list of places to explore.
I think his PCVness has suggested Whitelaw hut and the Baw Baws more generally to me.
Must get *&%$#! in gear.
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Re: NBW Hut Baw Baw N.P 27th-28th May

Postby Camminata » Tue 28 May, 2024 11:16 am

Baeng72 wrote:According to google, it's a bit faster from my part of Melb. to Mt. St Gwinear than to Upper Howqua campsite (3hrs vs 3.5 hrs approx.).
Will have to add it to list of places to explore.
I think his PCVness has suggested Whitelaw hut and the Baw Baws more generally to me.
Must get *&%$#! in gear.

Yes much quicker plus only 10 minutes of dirt road vs an hour or more of rough dirt to Upper Howqua to trailhead.
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Re: NBW Hut Baw Baw N.P 27th-28th May

Postby Casparvitch » Fri 31 May, 2024 3:52 pm

Have you got any info on the history of that NBW hut? Sounds... odd
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Re: NBW Hut Baw Baw N.P 27th-28th May

Postby Camminata » Fri 31 May, 2024 4:51 pm

Casparvitch wrote:Have you got any info on the history of that NBW hut? Sounds... odd

Have read on sources it was built in early 1930's as a X- country ski hut and built by fishermen wanting to escape their wives hence the name... interested to hear from others on some history.
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