Helicopter Spur 3 day circuit walk

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Re: Helicopter Spur 3 day circuit walk

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Sat 02 Jan, 2021 7:18 am

I put off trekking up Helicopter spur for years. I did it this year with a 20 kg pack on my back. It was tough and I was quite depleted by the time I reached Hellfire Creek campsite in Nov. 2020.
I am a large unit and not 21 years of age anymore either.
Big Kev is right. The Buller / Howitt area is arguably the best trekking area in the Vic. Alps. Mt. Stirling is great for XC skiing too.
Ascending the Stanley Name spur to the crest of the Cross Cut Saw is easier and can be used to mentally and physically train for Helicopter spur.
I will have crack at bush bashing up and ascending King Spur in Nov. 2021.
I have trekked up the Howitt spur , made a base camp at Mac. springs and done day walks out to Mt. Buggery and Mt. Magdala. It is a good way to spend time up there. Driving in from Licola to the Howitt car park means more driving but less up hill expenditure of energy. I have considered driving up that way and doing a loop on foot
down to the Macalister River, up to King Billy 1 , over to Hellfire Creek campsite and back to Mac. Springs to walk out to the car. The King Billy Track is a 4 x 4 track so the walking on a jeep track may not be all that pleasant. I have taken my car up to Lake Cobbler and explored the area on foot from there. Likewise you can get a 2 WD/ AWD soft roader drive down the Speculation road almost to the King River hut. Then you can ascend the range via Muesli spur. That is has a mild steep scramble but it is not Helicopter spur like in its difficulty and possible risks.
Lagarostrobos franklinii
Lagarostrobos franklinii
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