Mt Feathertop 22nd - 24th December

Took some time to visit Feathertop this weekend.
This was my first overnighter since recently losing around 40kgs so I can do this stuff again. Fitness is pretty decent now, but still have a LONG way to go.
Ended up camping at MUMC hut the first night, along with a group of 9 or 10 MUMC members who provided a great night. I'm actually quite suprised that I had never been down to MUMC Hut, as it really does have the best views of the mountain in the area, above Diamantina Spur in my honest opinion.
Spent my second night at Federation hut, before spending the morning walking back along the Razorback. Was very blowy, but no rain (as it was forecast).
Observations - Its quite concerning seeing how many people treat Feathertop so lightly. The number of people that I saw on track who were unprepared, or not prepared at all, quite frankly, it scares me. One girl who arrived at Federation Hut around 3pm with no pack, no waterproofs, only what appeared to be a litre of water, seemed to get a little shaken when I told her that a storm was due to arrive in 30 minutes.
It makes me wonder if Parks Vic should focus more on referring to Feathertop as being an overnight trek rather than a daywalk in their publications, because 22 or so kilometers across that type of terrain is not fun.
Not only that, but a lack of the amount of people who respect the park is a disgrace. Seeing the amount of green snowgums at Federation Hut that have had full branches cut off with the hand saw provided in the hut just so that people who are not prepared for the cold can keep warm in the hut.
Lets not forget the mountain bikers that I ran into, who are definitely not allowed on the track.
Makes me feel sorry for Parks Rangers to be quite honest.
Also... if you have not spent a night at MUMC either in the hut or in a tent, its not to be missed. The views from here are simply breathtaking, and the Feathertop Spring on the way there is the cleanest most pure water I have ever tasted in my life.
First time using Trail Runners overnight - I wont be using them again in this type of terrain, that's for sure. Nearly took out my ankle way too many times for comfort, and after much thinking over the issue, I came to the conclusion that the stability of your ankle doesn't come down to the high or low cut, rather, it comes down to the sole, which in a boot is designed to be planted firmly and flat on any surface, whereas a runner is more adaptable to any surface, and creates more room to roll an ankle as a result.
That's just my thoughts, but I can say, comparing trips using trail runners and boots in the same area, Boots are a no brainer, and I've already for my eye on a new pair. That said, like everything lightweight, if you want to travel light, sacrifices will be made.
Anyway, here's some pics of the trip -
I also posted a little more detail on my blog -
Just uploaded a video with more photos on YouTube.
This was my first overnighter since recently losing around 40kgs so I can do this stuff again. Fitness is pretty decent now, but still have a LONG way to go.
Ended up camping at MUMC hut the first night, along with a group of 9 or 10 MUMC members who provided a great night. I'm actually quite suprised that I had never been down to MUMC Hut, as it really does have the best views of the mountain in the area, above Diamantina Spur in my honest opinion.
Spent my second night at Federation hut, before spending the morning walking back along the Razorback. Was very blowy, but no rain (as it was forecast).
Observations - Its quite concerning seeing how many people treat Feathertop so lightly. The number of people that I saw on track who were unprepared, or not prepared at all, quite frankly, it scares me. One girl who arrived at Federation Hut around 3pm with no pack, no waterproofs, only what appeared to be a litre of water, seemed to get a little shaken when I told her that a storm was due to arrive in 30 minutes.
It makes me wonder if Parks Vic should focus more on referring to Feathertop as being an overnight trek rather than a daywalk in their publications, because 22 or so kilometers across that type of terrain is not fun.
Not only that, but a lack of the amount of people who respect the park is a disgrace. Seeing the amount of green snowgums at Federation Hut that have had full branches cut off with the hand saw provided in the hut just so that people who are not prepared for the cold can keep warm in the hut.
Lets not forget the mountain bikers that I ran into, who are definitely not allowed on the track.
Makes me feel sorry for Parks Rangers to be quite honest.
Also... if you have not spent a night at MUMC either in the hut or in a tent, its not to be missed. The views from here are simply breathtaking, and the Feathertop Spring on the way there is the cleanest most pure water I have ever tasted in my life.
First time using Trail Runners overnight - I wont be using them again in this type of terrain, that's for sure. Nearly took out my ankle way too many times for comfort, and after much thinking over the issue, I came to the conclusion that the stability of your ankle doesn't come down to the high or low cut, rather, it comes down to the sole, which in a boot is designed to be planted firmly and flat on any surface, whereas a runner is more adaptable to any surface, and creates more room to roll an ankle as a result.
That's just my thoughts, but I can say, comparing trips using trail runners and boots in the same area, Boots are a no brainer, and I've already for my eye on a new pair. That said, like everything lightweight, if you want to travel light, sacrifices will be made.
Anyway, here's some pics of the trip -
I also posted a little more detail on my blog -
Just uploaded a video with more photos on YouTube.