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Staircase - Cleve Cole - Bogong - Lt Bogong - Moncrief Tk

PostPosted: Tue 01 Dec, 2015 12:03 pm
by andrewbish
Did an interesting walk at Mt Bogong last weekend.

On day one we went from Mountain Creek campsite up Staircase Spur, summited Bogong, then camped at Cleve Cole Hut.

On day two our route included Mt Bogong, West Peak, Lt Mt Bogong, Moncrief's Track, then back to Mountain Creek. The scrub/regrowth was thick from West Peak onwards and it was very slow going. To give you the idea, WP to Moncrief's took about 8 hours. The route from WP to Lt MB is obvious enough. From Lt MB we followed the northern spur for about a kilometer, then veered NW to follow another spur for about a kilometre to Moncrief's.

I consider myself reasonably fit, but after that extended spell of bushwhacking I was buggered for the next 30 hours.

PM me if you want more info.


Re: Staircase - Cleve Cole - Bogong - Lt Bogong - Moncrief T

PostPosted: Tue 01 Dec, 2015 3:47 pm
by paddlpop
Sounds like fun, any plans to attempt an ascent by the same route..?

Re: Staircase - Cleve Cole - Bogong - Lt Bogong - Moncrief T

PostPosted: Wed 02 Dec, 2015 9:46 am
by andrewbish
paddlpop wrote:Sounds like fun, any plans to attempt an ascent by the same route..?

Other fish to fry, PP. :)

Re: Staircase - Cleve Cole - Bogong - Lt Bogong - Moncrief T

PostPosted: Wed 02 Dec, 2015 9:22 pm
by sim1oz

Re: Staircase - Cleve Cole - Bogong - Lt Bogong - Moncrief T

PostPosted: Sun 03 Apr, 2016 1:35 pm
by paidal_chalne_vala
Pushing through heavy scrub is exhausting. It is good to know that is one to avoid!