Rubicon Tramway and aquaduct walk.8.2.17

I did the Rubicon tramway and aquaduct day walk today in good ,warm sunny summer weather. It was a bit cooler up there in the hills but they are being aggressively logged , clear fell logged at a rate that will remove all timber from the area within my lifetime. It is sickening.
The walk is a circuit day walk , 17 kms long and mainly flat through tall forests with leafy tree ferns and the sound of running water ever present. My friend and I saw nobody up there on the walking route.The old logging tram way ruins run along side by side with the open aqua ducts. The side trip from Royston power station out to Rubicon dam wall and back adds 7 kms to the simple 10 km loop but it is the best bit really.
It was very peaceful. I will soon add details on how to find the walk and how to navigate it since it is not signposted at all. I used the Rooftops Rubicon etc. map.
I did the Rubicon tramway and aquaduct day walk today in good ,warm sunny summer weather. It was a bit cooler up there in the hills but they are being aggressively logged , clear fell logged at a rate that will remove all timber from the area within my lifetime. It is sickening.
The walk is a circuit day walk , 17 kms long and mainly flat through tall forests with leafy tree ferns and the sound of running water ever present. My friend and I saw nobody up there on the walking route.The old logging tram way ruins run along side by side with the open aqua ducts. The side trip from Royston power station out to Rubicon dam wall and back adds 7 kms to the simple 10 km loop but it is the best bit really.
It was very peaceful. I will soon add details on how to find the walk and how to navigate it since it is not signposted at all. I used the Rooftops Rubicon etc. map.