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Batty's Hut Site

PostPosted: Mon 13 Mar, 2017 6:30 am
by gmac
Finally managed to find the time to get to this site, had been on the list for sometime. The walk down to Round Plain was straight forward, the last section down to the hut site was across a lot of fallen timber and through shoulder high scrub with no clear footpad. Arrived at the hut site set up camp as it started to rain then located the spring, which was shallow and slow flowing but all ok.

Very mild overnight with a damp walk back through the scrub and up onto the Big River Fire trail and out along Heathy Spur.


Re: Batty's Hut Site

PostPosted: Mon 13 Mar, 2017 8:43 pm
by Avatar
Nice. Looks rarely visited.

Re: Batty's Hut Site

PostPosted: Tue 21 Mar, 2017 11:37 am
by paidal_chalne_vala
I like it !

Re: Batty's Hut Site

PostPosted: Wed 22 Mar, 2017 5:28 am
by gmac
Not a lot of info around on this site and certainly appears rarely visited but worth the detour off the Big River Fire trail or the maps show a track in from just above Ropers Hut. We found the one from near Warby Corner the most straight forward and the walk across Round Plain provides some great views.

Re: Batty's Hut Site

PostPosted: Wed 22 Mar, 2017 3:06 pm
by andrewp
This is from Apr 2008 - more bits have disappeared since then. It had snowed overnight, although it only looks like a frost from the pictures. We were walking out in about a foot of snow when we reached the more open parts of the High Plains.

Batty Hut Apr 2008.jpg
Batty Hut Apr 2008.jpg (109.38 KiB) Viewed 16559 times

Re: Batty's Hut Site

PostPosted: Wed 22 Mar, 2017 7:51 pm
by gmac
See what you mean, there was a few more bits then. Thanks for the pic.

Re: Batty's Hut Site

PostPosted: Mon 16 Nov, 2020 3:32 pm
by Gunner55
Hi all, I am doing a loop around the northern part of the Bogong HP around xmas and was thinking of going for a stroll off the AAWT down to Battys and back - by the sounds of it you'd recommend the diversion, correct?

Re: Batty's Hut Site

PostPosted: Tue 17 Nov, 2020 6:38 am
by stry
The deadfall between Round Plain and Batty's was a real pain in November 2018, but I may have been able to choose a better route for that bit.