eggs wrote:..........
The tent is a Tarptent Moment - its my one man tent - lightweight, easy to set up and I love it.
Some close ups of it here:
Next day an early start to pass over Eight Mile Gap to the Jamieson River where I parked my Yaris at the bottom of Refrigerator Gap road.
It was a steady but sunny and humid climb of about 500m elevation along the road to Eight Mile Gap. The road looked ok to drive.
I parked at the junction of Brocks and Refrigerator Gap roads and walked up Refrigerator Gap road. It was a good graded walk and the road looked in very good condition.
[Brocks Road itself down from Eight Mile Gap had some very large trunks with sufficient cut out of them to let a car through.
On the way back out, they had completely removed the trunks so the road was without any obstacles.]
Coming out was on the Nobs Track onto Clear Creek track then onto Brocks Road.
PS - looking back at my notes - I can see I made a mistake - hence the question. I did not walk back to Eight Mile Gap, but up to Refrigerator Gap. My Apologies
Thanks for clarifying Eggs. Looks like I'll be doing this circuit over the long weekend. I just hope there aren't too many 4WDs out and about. I might consider descending McDonald's north face.
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