14-16/12/20 Eagle's Peak and Mt. McDonald( AAWT)

Thu 17 Dec, 2020 8:11 pm
by paidal_chalne_vala
Hi. Pictures and a trip report can be found at this weblink.
https://www.ski.com.au/xf/threads/eagle ... st-4525160
Re: 14-16/12/20 Eagle Peak and Mt. McDonald( AAWT)

Thu 17 Dec, 2020 8:21 pm
by Baeng72
Nice report! You guys are machines!
Nice photos! Love the Snow Gums.
Have you got a copy of Brookes' 'Watersheds of the King, Howqua & Jamieson...'? It may have some tracks that SV, etc don't have, or maybe it's further East.
Re: 14-16/12/20 Eagle Peak and Mt. McDonald( AAWT)

Thu 17 Dec, 2020 9:58 pm
by paidal_chalne_vala
The Rooftop's maps cover all of these areas very well and have some handy tips for hikers and 4 WD users.
Re: 14-16/12/20 Eagle's Peak and Mt. McDonald( AAWT)

Sun 20 Dec, 2020 9:12 am
by peregrinator
Hello p_c_v, I have a question about one of your photographs. The one with a fallen tree across a track, just beyond a bridge over a creek. Could you please indicate the location?
Re: 14-16/12/20 Eagle's Peak and Mt. McDonald( AAWT)

Sun 20 Dec, 2020 12:13 pm
by paidal_chalne_vala
That tree was cut by the Forestry department the day before we appeared. Another ski forum member was there doing a Mt. McDonald trip via the evil North spur route. The Big cut log is located near where the campsite at Low Saddle Road , Brock's road and the Low Saddle road bridge all intersect. My information is that you can get a 4 WD up the loose surface on the new detour around that massive sawn log. Take a chainsaw and know how to use it on large poles ( use wedges etc. ) just in case. The Brock's road area from 8 Mile Gap to Cairn Creek track Intersection is a relatively remote area and timber does fall and block the carriageways.