Bogong High Plains .5 day circuit trek. Nov. 2021.

Thu 11 Nov, 2021 3:30 pm
by paidal_chalne_vala
To see photos and read an account of this bushwalk ,
please click on the interwebby link below. ... st-4899499
Re: Bogong High Plains .5 day circuit trek. Nov. 2021.

Thu 11 Nov, 2021 5:07 pm
by Baeng72
Nice report of what seems to have been a great walk.
You keep on delivering PCV!
I have plans to walk something like that loop, definitely want to include the fainters and gray hills somehow, just a question of how many days I can finaggle and all that other logistical crap.
Were there no creeks down the Black possum track? I don't have a map handy to check.
Re: Bogong High Plains .5 day circuit trek. Nov. 2021.

Thu 11 Nov, 2021 9:50 pm
by paidal_chalne_vala
Hi. There is no water between Spion Kopje aqueduct and Bogong Village via the Grey Hills and B.P . spur. Take extra water. It is very important!!.We collected extra water from a fast flowing stream near the empty Spion Kopje aqueduct.5 days is the fastest most mortals could do this loop in. We were glad to have a half day off just to rest/relax after lunch on day one and day four. My legs are sore!