Mount Donna Buang hike. Yarra Ranges N.P.12/09/23.

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Mount Donna Buang hike. Yarra Ranges N.P.12/09/23.

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Tue 12 Sep, 2023 7:18 pm

You can read a trip report and see photos at the web link here. ... st-5462626
Lagarostrobos franklinii
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Re: Mount Donna Buang hike. Yarra Ranges N.P.12/09/23.

Postby Baeng72 » Mon 18 Sep, 2023 1:09 pm

It's a good workout this one.
Coming down will trash your legs if they're not used to long, steep descents and there's that added fun of the mud and unreliable surface.
Athrotaxis selaginoides
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Re: Mount Donna Buang hike. Yarra Ranges N.P.12/09/23.

Postby ChrisJHC » Tue 19 Sep, 2023 6:14 pm

A really good argument for using hiking poles!
Phyllocladus aspleniifolius
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Re: Mount Donna Buang hike. Yarra Ranges N.P.12/09/23.

Postby Joris » Tue 23 Apr, 2024 10:00 am

Did an overnighter in this area on 21-22 April 2024, walking from Warburton to Mount Donna Buang and onwards to the Boobyalla Saddle, returning the next morning.

Excellent opportunity to take public transport for those so inclined - the Scotchman's Creek or Alpine Retreat stops at the western end of Warburton allow for instant access to the other side of the river where the fun starts straight away on the aptly named Martyr Road. No easing into it, but straight onto a 27% (!) steep residential road and into some muddy business along private property in the first 1.5km until reaching the old aquaduct. From there you steadily go up into the National Park, with the path at the moment somewhat damp underfoot but only a little muddy in two or three spots. The weather played ball with cool/mild conditions and at times overcast. In all easy walking, aside from the gradient along the 1100m climb. Superb Lyrebirds on steroids, Pilotbirds calling that silver-etched, clear-as-day sound they are well-known for, cool temperate forest stalwarts such as Lewin's Honeyeater unphased by the oncoming cold season.

A few others on the trail, but largely setting my own pace. Crossed the tarmac near the 1,000m mark, went up the gravel road, past the eyesore that is the mobile phone tower and associated running generator and up onto Mount Victoria and its somewhat more alpine forest type (EVC Montane Wet Forest), with the first Myrtle Beeches appearing. Got to Donna Buang 2.5 hours after getting off the bus and stopped for lunch. Not too many other folks about for a Sunday afternoon. Assortment of Pied and Grey Currawongs keeping an eye out for crumbs.

The clouds disappearing turned the late afternoon into a particularly nice autumn day. I set off towards Mount Boobyalla, encountered a few more people going the opposite direction in the first kilometer and after that had the mountain to myself. Boobyalla is an easy ascent and the path off it has recently been cleared all the way down to where it intersects with a management track and thus equally easy walking. Flushed several Bassian Thrush, heard Red-browed Treecreeper and of course plenty more Lyrebird activity. Camped in a grassy clearing on the Boobyalla Saddle at about 1000m asl and soon serenity set in entirely with the dwindling of any human-induced noise from the far-off valley.

Around sunset I briefly heard 1-2 Koalas calling from the northwest, bats came out to play, shortly followed by a calling Sugar Glider, Southern Boobook and Brush-tailed Possum activity (one a jet black individual!). Not sure what is in their water, but multiple Superb Lyrebirds were actively calling until an hour after last light. Despite the potential for frost that night it turned out to be pretty mild - could have brought a smaller sleeping bag. Up early next morning in glorious conditions - wandered back up to Donna Buang and aside from the brief appearance of a few day trippers I had the place, and the observation tower, to myself. Quick snack while surrounded by a flock of Flame Robins and down I went. Uneventful return down the same way, merely gorgeous weather and plenty of wildlife. Once back in Warburton straight to a local cafe for a large cup of coffee and a sandwich you could feed a family of 4 from. Bus back home, there and back for all of 7 bucks.

Due to the route of this trail, largely avoiding gullies and generally situated above creek sources, I wasn't entirely sure water would be easily accessible and so brought 4 liters of my own. That turned out to be a good call as aside from two very minor muddy soaks along the trail up there was not really any water source within reach.

All in all a great 24 hours out and about.
Nothofagus gunnii
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Re: Mount Donna Buang hike. Yarra Ranges N.P.12/09/23.

Postby Casparvitch » Tue 23 Apr, 2024 2:17 pm

What's the attitude of Parks Vic to overnighting in Yarra Ranges NP? Best to have a 30L pack to avoid questions?
Nothofagus gunnii
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Re: Mount Donna Buang hike. Yarra Ranges N.P.12/09/23.

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Tue 23 Apr, 2024 6:57 pm

Parks VIC. are broke. The VIC. GOVT. Red Tie- Blue Tie parties simply give them insufficient funding. i.e. Almost FA x 2 .
. PV simply dont have the human resources to enforce the myriad of by laws and sub clauses of rules and regulations etc..
Lagarostrobos franklinii
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Re: Mount Donna Buang hike. Yarra Ranges N.P.12/09/23.

Postby peregrinator » Tue 23 Apr, 2024 9:47 pm

Joris wrote:Pilotbirds calling that silver-etched, clear-as-day sound

Excellent trip report, Joris. Enhanced by your avian observations. I do like that poetic one I've quoted.
Athrotaxis selaginoides
Athrotaxis selaginoides
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Re: Mount Donna Buang hike. Yarra Ranges N.P.12/09/23.

Postby Joris » Mon 03 Jun, 2024 10:38 am

Casparvitch wrote:What's the attitude of Parks Vic to overnighting in Yarra Ranges NP? Best to have a 30L pack to avoid questions?

Good question. I have certainly looked online, but there does not seem to be an outright ban on it (as in, I can't find clear reference to bush camping at all). Equally, there are no signs around prohibiting it. There are obviously the Melbourne Water directives to adhere to - i.e. no go tracks - and that I definitely do, even if the likelihood of bushwalking having a measurable effect on the water quality of thousand+ gigalitres reservoirs in the area seems exceedingly unlikely. Not worth the fine or the example - as it may make matters worse for access at large.
Nothofagus gunnii
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