Beeripmo Walk with Mstr 7

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Beeripmo Walk with Mstr 7

Postby nezumi » Sun 31 Dec, 2023 8:02 am

I have long been hoping to have everything line up to take my 7 year old on an overnight hike, and the gap between Christmas and NYE was looking like a good option.

After some anxiety inducing planning efforts from me, we managed to be bundled into the car and leaving home around 9:30, which saw us arrive in Beaufort at 11:30, to get an early lunch and some emergency rations (I forgot the pancetta crumb for our cheat's carbonara dinner). We then rolled into Richard's Campground around midday, setting off swiftly.

I intended for us to take the anticlockwise route, but got caught out following the signs at the start, only realising my mistake once we were halfway up the climb for Raglan Falls. Well, there was nothing for it but to march on! We ended up doing quite well, in spite of the insistence of the younger group member that it was all too hard, and arrived at Beeripmo campground by 3pm. Deciding that a longer first day and shorter second day would be better, we pushed on to Mugwamp Hut campground. Pros: a hut to cook in without wind, and the toilets actually had paper provided :D Cons: no readily accessible water, other than the trickle of a stream. Fortunately we had filled up from the tank at Beeripmo, and had a filter to had to make the most of the creek if needed.

The Mugwamp Hut area appears to have been upgraded recently, with some rather welcome picnic benches installed, giving a good spot to sit for breakfast/dinner.

The forgotten items trend continued, with the realisation upon setting up of the tent that the pegs stayed home - we made do with a combo of rocks for guy lines and sticks and trekking poles for the base.

Overnight was quite chilly in spite of the temps the previous day, with a heavy fog in the morning. As a result of the tent failure and the cold/wet morning, departure from camp did not occur until around 10AM. In spite of this, we made it back to the car before lunch time, with the second day having a total distance of only 6.3kms on gentle terrain (I remembered to start the GPS tracking this time!)

All in all it was a successful first outing for kiddo, and we're looking forward to our next adventure together!
Athrotaxis cupressoides
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Re: Beeripmo Walk with Mstr 7

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Sun 31 Dec, 2023 1:39 pm

Give Ritchie's hut a go next time . It is a short 2-3 hour walk from 8 Mile flat by the Howqua River. Use the upper / high track .
Take the tent pegs next time !
The hut is very nice , there is a pit loo and water from 14 mile creek as well as the Howqua River.
The views of Little Buller Spur etc. are very good in clear weather.
Allow 3.5 hours to drive from Melb. to 8 MIle flat via Merrijig and Sheepyard flat
. Don't take a 2 WD down to the actual 8 Mile Flat camping area. You can park opposite the 8 Mile flat
access track if you are driving a
2 WD city sedan.
Aren't you going skiing/ 'stand up toboggan' riding ;-P
in the South Island NZ in 2024?. I am too. I plan to do it in late September at Cardrona.
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Re: Beeripmo Walk with Mstr 7

Postby ChrisJHC » Sun 31 Dec, 2023 5:59 pm

This is my favourite hike to introduce new-comers to overnight hikes.

I took my daughter and friend to Beeripmo when they were just a little older than 7 - they had a great time, but the hiking bug hasn’t bitten (yet!).
Phyllocladus aspleniifolius
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Re: Beeripmo Walk with Mstr 7

Postby Baeng72 » Sun 31 Dec, 2023 7:25 pm

Nice one! Always a risk with kids.
My youngest just hates the walking and will stop and dump his pack.
But he loves the destination.
Probably why I haven't been for a hike with him in yonks. :)
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