Macalister Spur Loop

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Macalister Spur Loop

Postby oldsalt671 » Wed 03 Jan, 2024 3:33 pm

Macalister Spur


GPX Files (for reference only )


Originally planned as a group adventure for early December, life's twists and turns reshaped it into a solo journey. I seized a rare alignment of free time and favourable weather for this 4-day fitness test just before Christmas (Tuesday, December 19th to Friday, December 22nd, 2023). The final day's sweltering heat underscored the importance of tackling this trail in cooler conditions. This hike was inspired by Glenn van der Knijff's 2010 account in Wild Magazine. Start finish is Clear Creek and takes in the following peaks Mount Clear, Square Top, Basalt Knob, Mount Macdonald.

Getting There

The trailhead, mostly accessible by 2WD, lies just beyond a tricky patch on Nobs Track, off Brocks Road. While Glenn van der Knijff mentioned a Clear Creek Campsite, this eluded me. I settled for a modest parking spot near the Mount Clear Track/Nobs Track intersection. Note that the Mount Clear Track is restricted to Management Vehicle Only (MVO) and is gated.

Day 1: Clear Creek to Mount Clear
14km, 6.5 hours including water break

The journey began on fire trail, peppered with switchbacks. Once on top, the track to the clear creek headwaters is overgrown, but not difficult to find. It starts from the knoll at 1427m and heads South before swinging South East. The creek was flowing well. I paused for an early dinner, minimizing the water needed for the ascent to Mount Clear.

The ascent to Mount Clear, a steep 250m climb, shouldn't be underestimated. For those pushing further, Square Top offers inviting clearings at 1.5 and 2 hours, easing the effort for Day 2. I camped in the saddle near the 1646m spot elevation.

Day 2: Mount Clear to Macalister River
19 km, 10 hours

Ascending Mount Clear rewards with stunning vistas, followed by a descent into the saddle and a climb up a minor spur onto Flat Top. This is the last tracked section before Macalister River. The scrubby terrain is interrupted by occasional clearings, hinting at potential campsites. Descending the spur, look out for animal tracks, which often provide easier passage. The final stretch to Macalister River is a relief, with a noticeable absence of blackberries.

Crossing the river presented its own challenges, with the supposed 4WD track on the opposite bank now very overgrown. My advice: follow the river to the former Ford location. Despite mild conditions, my water supply dwindled to 500ml by the time I reached the river. As it was getting late I found a flat spot on the river bank and camped there the night.

Day 3: Macalister River to Barkly River (SOB Spur Track)
19km, 10.5 hours

Navigating the overgrown 4WD track along Macalister River is tough going at times and again it might now be quicker to walk along the river. The track opens up significantly upon reaching Blue Plains Spur Track, leading to the intended campsite at the Butcher Country Track intersection. However, with no need to go to the campsite I aimed for the 525m knoll that forms the start of the spur to to Basalt Knob. There is a rocky outcrop that requires a non technical scramble. Evidence of deer descending to the river was evident and as usual they had chosen the path of least resistance.

The spur is steep and quite overgrown in sections. The local deer population have done a decent job of creating tracks. Towards the top the basalt outcrops, which appeared daunting from the Macalister Spur, are easy to work your way through and don't present any technical scrambling. The top of Basalt Knob, devoid of views but offers a a nice lunch spot. In all the climb from the 4WD track to Basalt knot takes about 4 hrs.

There is a lot of fallen timber after leaving Basalt Knob. It might pay to follow the ridge line in a North Westerly direction before dropping down to the creek that leads to the road. Keep the creek to your right, and the final descent is straightforward and open.

Back on 4WD track the going is fast. It took 1.5 hours to reach the old track down to the Barkly. This disused track is still quite open and fast despite being blocked off years ago. To pick it up, the best bet is to actually bear off Bull Plains Rd before the intersection. The old track is blocked off with large logs. I walked past these and then cut back in and it took me a little hunting to find the track. It took 45 minutes to reach the Barkly, where I opted to have dinner to minimise carrying water.

The designated campsite is a large open area about 1 km up the track from the Barkly. It is a dusty drive in affair for 4WDs. I opted to keep going and found a flat area a 100ms or so from the SOB track intersection. It was a bit of a ghetto bivvy but worked.

Day 4: SOB Track to Clear Creek
17 km, 7 hours

The final day's hike proved unexpectedly challenging, with a steady climb up SOB Spur and a dense scrub on the unnamed spur leading to the AAWT. The views from Mount MacDonald are the highlight of the hike.

Backtracking from Mt MacDonald, I grabbed my pack and set off on the AAWT. After some difficult navigation over the last few days I relaxed and enjoyed the trail. So much so that I totally missed the turn off to the east that descends to the Nobs 4WD track. They say most accidents happen 5km from home, this was no exception. To compound the issue I had also decided to resist the urge to constantly check the GPS too. I was conscious that the pad was becoming fainter but it wasn’t until I got to the knoll at 1391 that I realised my mistake. It just so happens that there are some good views of The Bluff there but I was a bit grumpy with myself.

I returned to the AAWT and couldn’t believe that I had sailed straight past this obvious turn off point. Back on track the AAWT descends to Nobs Track. This section of track is easy to loose the pad so stay high in the saddle to pick up the 4WD track. Once on the 4WD track it is about 1.5 hours back to the car. For fans of very steep descents on 4WD tracks that are littered with marbles, the final section won’t disappoint.


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Re: Macalister Spur Loop

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Wed 03 Jan, 2024 3:59 pm

Impressive !
Lagarostrobos franklinii
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Re: Macalister Spur Loop

Postby Baeng72 » Wed 03 Jan, 2024 4:35 pm

paidal_chalne_vala wrote:Impressive !

Very. Long distance per day in difficult terrain.
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Re: Macalister Spur Loop

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Wed 03 Jan, 2024 7:11 pm

Very good photos and videos too. A fine achievement :-) .
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Re: Macalister Spur Loop

Postby scroggin » Fri 05 Jan, 2024 11:22 am

Good effort Nigel, thanks for the write-up. I like to follow other peoples adventure with a map in front of me.

Was there any thought to take Mount Sunday Road on Day 4 to the AAWT and not SOB Track?

BTW, I missed that turnoff on the Mount McDonald ridge last time I was up that way. Luckily for me I only went a few hundred meters
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Re: Macalister Spur Loop

Postby north-north-west » Fri 05 Jan, 2024 3:13 pm

oldsalt671 wrote: For fans of very steep descents on 4WD tracks that are littered with marbles, the final section won’t disappoint.

Some things never change.
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