Mt Fainter North

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Mt Fainter North

Postby Camminata » Tue 02 Apr, 2024 8:23 pm

Headed off from Melbourne around 7:30pm on Good Friday eve for the long drive to Tawonga to car camp at Mountain Creek campground , the Hume Highway was busy with caravans making a dash out of Melbourne for the Easter long weekend. On arrival to camp at midnight the car park was full of cars as expected and suspect most headed for a stiff climb up to Mt Bogong and beyond the next day, not my thing walking with the masses best to avoid on long weekends.

Settled in quickly rolled the matt and sleep bag out in the back of my van and was asleep within 20 minutes waking up at around 7ish and snoozing to 8:30 next morning.

Was on the road by 9ish headed for the trailhead at Big Hill via a coffee and egg bacon roll in Mt Beauty went down a treat!. Drove an extra 20 minutes up a dusty dirt road which runs parallel to Falls Creek Rd arriving around 10ish

Made my way up the firetrail was beautiful day, passing on the left a km up is Roper Track which I come up on a bike packing adventure in 2017 was happy to be avoiding it this time as its a steep climb up and real lung buster
Got to Spring Saddle by 11:30am dropped the pack and had a little break.

Was back on the trail and entered the the Alpine National Park and the Fainters Trail,
Almost stepped on a copperhead so decided to put my gaiters on & being more aware, out of nowhere a group of 6 walkers come up behind me thought I had the trail to myself, after a chit chat they were on there way.

To my left the trail started opening up to high country views its. a cruisy walk up to Bogong Jack Saddle arrived by about 2pm and decided it was time for lunch of tuna and cucumber bread roll.
After lunch headed up to the trail which sidles the Fainters, plan was to spend a night on Mt Fainter North since the weather gods were looking ideal. Was on the summit by before 4 pm 360 views all around of high plains to the north Mt Bogong and south Mt Feathertop, its spectacular.
Pitched my tent and walked back down 15 minutes to collect water from a boggy marsh trickle of water, settled in for the afternoon with a cup of tea using my pack as pillow and lying down on the shady outside of the tent was perfect. Had a great sunset and sunrise, the temperature dipped to around 9 so got the puffer jacket and beanie on whilst enjoying golden hour.
Slept well and was up for sunrise before packing up and heading back down to the car, was back in Mt Beauty for lunch and coffee before heading back to Melbourne, a great quick overnight hike with easy walking and no one around, will make a point of coming back in winter. Sunrise
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Re: Mt Fainter North

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Wed 03 Apr, 2024 9:30 am

Lagarostrobos franklinii
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