Paling Spur / Youngs Top -13-14-15 Dec

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Paling Spur / Youngs Top -13-14-15 Dec

Postby Camminata » Sun 15 Dec, 2024 8:20 pm

Headed northbound from Melbourne Friday afternoon arriving at Smoko campgrounds by 6ish found a spot right by the river just perfect the sound of the water and being out of town was calming, ate dinner and relaxed the evening away. Was back on the road by 7ish morning, made my way over Hotham and parked my car at the Brandy Creek mine trail , two young French guys had their portable table setup roadside enjoying breakfast in the morning sun after a quick greeting I doned the pack started walking down the firetrail where It meets the Cobungra River, headed left upstream for about a km wading thru the tussocks a black snake scooted pass my feet which kept me on my toes was happy to cross the river and make at the base of Paling Spur. A clear pad is visible and a straightforward slog up the spur had me break out a sweat , think I was up on the open plains in a little over an hour... found a shade under a tree for a snack and water.

I followed a faint pad for around 200 meters and faded to no track, headed in the NW general direction for most of the way was mostly open with some parts of heavy scrub to go around or straight thru I did follow a false pad to the North from the top of Paling Spur initially which led me going down hill but quickly realised my error and feeling no this aint right after referencing the map, felt very remote , finally made it to a narrow valley which lead me down to Youngs Hut, would be a beautiful place to camp not a fan of the skulls on the hut felt eerie creepy vibe. Collected some water and made my way joining the AAWT was around 3ish was thinking of camping up high but way too early so slowly made my way down to Dibbins , strolled pass a few campers on fancy platforms and found a spot close to the Hut , was one other person camped right next behind the hut out of sight so felt I had the whole valley to myself.
Was well and truly exhausted had a relaxing afternoon and slept ok.
Was up at day break and headed off a little after 6am wanting to beat the heat of the day and head home back to Melbourne at a reasonable hour I was back at the car by 12:30 by this stage was hot and bothered happy to be in airconditiong made my way to the General at Hotham village for cold drink, was great walk one I would happily do again very enjoyable but maybe over two nights ,camping down at the base of Paling would be nice. I think im on hiatus from walking until Autumn its just too warm!
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Re: Paling Spur / Youngs Top -13-14-15 Dec

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Mon 16 Dec, 2024 7:46 am

A good effort. I have walked that route too. You did well to navigate over the highest section of Young's top. I became a bit geographically embarrased
when I went up that way. I will be walking over Young's top to MacNamara's hut starting from Pretty Valley Pondage soon.
I am assuming you walked up Swindler's spur and back to your car along the XC ski trail from Mt. Hotham or by way of the Cobungra Ditch track.
Either routes will take you to Brandy Creek Mine trail head.
From Dibbin's hut you can walk to the base of Paling spur and Brandy thingo fire trail via Swindler's gap.
That is also a good walk with some climbing up involved and a river crossing or two.
Yes, you need to start very early to beat the heat in summer.
Last edited by paidal_chalne_vala on Tue 17 Dec, 2024 8:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
Lagarostrobos franklinii
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Re: Paling Spur / Youngs Top -13-14-15 Dec

Postby Camminata » Mon 16 Dec, 2024 9:43 am

paidal_chalne_vala wrote:Good effort. I have walked that route too. You did well to navigate over the highest section of Young's top. I became a bit geographically embarrased
when I went up that way. I will be walking over Young's top to MacNamara's hut starting from Pretty Valley Pondage soon.
I am assuming you walked up Swindler's spur and back to your car along the XC ski trail from Mt. Hotham or by way of the Cobungra Ditch track.
Either routes will take you to Brandy Creek Mine trail head.
From Dibbin's hut you can walk to the base of Paling spur and Brandy thingo fire trail via Swindler's gap.
That is also a good walk with some climbing up involved and a river crossing or two.
Yes, you need to start very early to beat the heat in summer.

I did head north from the top of Paling and starting heading down a steep gully I could see the Hut in far distance realised this not correct and not in mood of a type 3 afternoon so headed left back on top yes was embarrassed also

Correct headed up Swindlers via huts trail Spargo across the ditch track and shortened the walk back via West access track ,by locking my bike up at Whiteys car park on Alpine road in the scrub previous day knocking off a km a 2 and rolled down to the car happy days !
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Re: Paling Spur / Youngs Top -13-14-15 Dec

Postby Baeng72 » Mon 16 Dec, 2024 12:20 pm

Nice one. Was good weather for walking at higher altitudes.
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Re: Paling Spur / Youngs Top -13-14-15 Dec

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Mon 16 Dec, 2024 2:48 pm

The hike up Swindler's spur never gets any easier.
I made the same mistake once I reached the top of Paling spur and popped out onto the trackless wilderness area. I saw the hut in the distance
and realized I was off course.I walked all the way to Dibbin's hut in one day too sans sufficient water. It was an ordeal!

The second time I walked in that area I was more familiar with it and kept to the tops of the ridge lines except for the 1700 M+ knoll which
is best bypassed from whichever angle you approach it on Young's Top.
Young's Top is great terrain for walking and I would imagine in the right winter
it would have fabulous back country ski touring potential too.
Lagarostrobos franklinii
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Re: Paling Spur / Youngs Top -13-14-15 Dec

Postby Camminata » Mon 16 Dec, 2024 5:07 pm

paidal_chalne_vala wrote:The hike up Swindler's spur never gets any easier.
I made the same mistake once I reached the top of Paling spur and popped out onto the trackless wilderness area. I saw the hut in the distance
and realized I was off course.I walked all the way to Dibbin's hut in one day too sans sufficient water. It was an ordeal!

The second time I walked in that area I was more familiar with it and kept to the tops of the ridge lines except for the 1700 M+ knoll which
is best bypassed from whichever angle you approach it on Young's Top.
Young's Top is great terrain for walking and I would imagine in the right winter
it would have fabulous back country ski touring potential too.

I did wonder if people have or do venture out this way for a ski tour..
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Re: Paling Spur / Youngs Top -13-14-15 Dec

Postby Baeng72 » Mon 16 Dec, 2024 6:08 pm

paidal_chalne_vala wrote:The hike up Swindler's spur never gets any easier.

Last time I walked up it, it was so hard.
I'd done it a year before and it was hard, but maybe because it was early Winter, it didn't feel that bad, but last time, was warmer, but maybe I was not up to it. Rough walk.

Is Paling Spur much harder than Swindlers? I guess there's added Navigation effort, plus steep hill.
I can't picture this walk after walking up Swindler's, I need to check a map to see how you'd get back to the start. I'm sure it was hard though.

I was going to head back to Mt. Howitt area, but bit of a lurgy. Maybe will get out next weekend.
Athrotaxis selaginoides
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Re: Paling Spur / Youngs Top -13-14-15 Dec

Postby Camminata » Mon 16 Dec, 2024 6:21 pm

Baeng72 wrote:
paidal_chalne_vala wrote:The hike up Swindler's spur never gets any easier.

Last time I walked up it, it was so hard.
I'd done it a year before and it was hard, but maybe because it was early Winter, it didn't feel that bad, but last time, was warmer, but maybe I was not up to it. Rough walk.

Is Paling Spur much harder than Swindlers? I guess there's added Navigation effort, plus steep hill.
I can't picture this walk after walking up Swindler's, I need to check a map to see how you'd get back to the start. I'm sure it was hard though.

I was going to head back to Mt. Howitt area, but bit of a lurgy. Maybe will get out next weekend.

IMO Paling is on par with Swindlers, Navigation on par also its a clear track

Please don't walk Spec Rd..... :lol:
Last edited by Camminata on Mon 16 Dec, 2024 8:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Paling Spur / Youngs Top -13-14-15 Dec

Postby Baeng72 » Mon 16 Dec, 2024 7:49 pm

Camminata wrote:Please don't walk Spec Rd..... :lol:

(Changes plans....) Sure, no Spec. road.
Nah, not going by Spec. road. Probably get squished by 4WD convoys.
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Re: Paling Spur / Youngs Top -13-14-15 Dec

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Tue 17 Dec, 2024 8:26 am

I have only walked up Paling spur once. It was reasonably easy to find the foot pad from the camp site at the bottom. An orange coloured arrow on a tree points the way up the hill.
Once you reach the top it becomes flatter and the route becomes more obvious until it pops out at a big rock where there is a no track
and the undulating high plains on Young's Top with trees and scrub and feral horse tracks requires
sound navigational abilities .
Take a map, compass and GPS.
Young's hut can be found SE down the valley approaching from an open saddle opposite Mt . Loch in the
distance to the NW. You should pop out at a clearing where there is a
large semi dead snow gum across the clearing .
I could n't find Young's hut and the spring for water there the first time.
The second time I found it easily .
Yes people do ski out there including ski forum members who come up Paling spur in white season with ski touring
and snow camping kit strapped to their packs.
The crossing of the Cobungra River in winter would be deep and icy !.
Others come in from either Tawonga huts or Ryder's hut.
The route into Young's hut from Ryder's hut follows the aqueduct until it terminates at a small
reservoir. Then you go cross country up to the high point with Mt. Jim on your right .
You should pop down over that rise to pole 267.
Try this out in green season so you can find your way in white season.
Ski touring people ( including yours truly ) set out from the Bogong Rover Chalet in August 2024 .
We made it as far as Pole 333 but in poor visibility , strong winds and a limited time frame we turned back at Pole 333.
The ski back to Cope Saddle hut is quicker because it is mostly downhill.
The goal is to ski to Young;s Hut and back in a day in 2025 . That is 25 kms in total with day packs.
Training for the required fitness started last ski season !
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