Headed northbound from Melbourne Friday afternoon arriving at Smoko campgrounds by 6ish found a spot right by the river just perfect the sound of the water and being out of town was calming, ate dinner and relaxed the evening away. Was back on the road by 7ish morning, made my way over Hotham and parked my car at the Brandy Creek mine trail , two young French guys had their portable table setup roadside enjoying breakfast in the morning sun after a quick greeting I doned the pack started walking down the firetrail where It meets the Cobungra River, headed left upstream for about a km wading thru the tussocks a black snake scooted pass my feet which kept me on my toes was happy to cross the river and make at the base of Paling Spur. A clear pad is visible and a straightforward slog up the spur had me break out a sweat , think I was up on the open plains in a little over an hour... found a shade under a tree for a snack and water.
I followed a faint pad for around 200 meters and faded to no track, headed in the NW general direction for most of the way was mostly open with some parts of heavy scrub to go around or straight thru I did follow a false pad to the North from the top of Paling Spur initially which led me going down hill but quickly realised my error and feeling no this aint right after referencing the map, felt very remote , finally made it to a narrow valley which lead me down to Youngs Hut, would be a beautiful place to camp not a fan of the skulls on the hut felt eerie creepy vibe. Collected some water and made my way joining the AAWT was around 3ish was thinking of camping up high but way too early so slowly made my way down to Dibbins , strolled pass a few campers on fancy platforms and found a spot close to the Hut , was one other person camped right next behind the hut out of sight so felt I had the whole valley to myself.
Was well and truly exhausted had a relaxing afternoon and slept ok.
Was up at day break and headed off a little after 6am wanting to beat the heat of the day and head home back to Melbourne at a reasonable hour I was back at the car by 12:30 by this stage was hot and bothered happy to be in airconditiong made my way to the General at Hotham village for cold drink, was great walk one I would happily do again very enjoyable but maybe over two nights ,camping down at the base of Paling would be nice. I think im on hiatus from walking until Autumn its just too warm!