Bogong Early Season Snow Walk

Last weekend i joined others from the YHA Bushwalking club for an early season snow walk over Mt Bogong. With 20+cm of snow falling in the week prior we were set for rare chance to walk on snow soo early in the year. I wont write too much and just let the photos tell the story.
We made our way up the Staircase Spur with light snowfalls starting just bellow Bivouac Hut. After a short regroup at the hut we continued on with the wind picking up as we reached Castor and Pollux outcrops. The clouds were caught low on the mountain and were being blown all over the place by the strong wind, it felt great to be walking within it all.

Looking to the Summit from just above Bivouac Hut

Looking up the Staircase Spur

Just bellow the top of the Staircase

Looking across to Eskdale Spur

Snow poles leading to the Summit Cairn
Once we made it to the summit ridge the wind was really blowing making it a bit challenging to trudge along the crunchy snow. Fortunately as a result of the wind, the visibility was fantastic. The views in every direction were fantastic.

Quartz Ridge down to Cairn Creek, Feathertop in the distance

The Summit

Icy snow pole

Looking to Mt Wills
We carried on through the icy wind and eventually made it down to the protection of Cleve Cole Hut. With tents pitched and the fire going a few from the group headed down to Howman's Falls to kill some time. We were rewarded with a decent flow of water and some nice ice formations.

Cleve Cole Hut

Ice on the gutter at Cleve Cole

New Hilleberg tent getting its first taste of snow for the year

Ice at Howman's Falls
Back at the hut the group settled in for a cold night with most choosing to camp in tents. Although the temp dropped to -5 overnight it was dry as bone with no snow to be seen in the morning. On Sunday morning we broke camp and headed back to the summit hoping for some gentler winds. We were luck that things had died down significantly making the view from the summit even better than saturday.

Looking towards the BHP and Falls Creek

Heading back to the Summit

The summit ridge

The summit cairn
After photos and what-not at the summit we made our way back down the staircase and returned to the mountain creek. An excellent weekend had by all i think.
A big thank you to members from the YHA Bushwalking Club for organising the trip and good company over the 2 days.
We made our way up the Staircase Spur with light snowfalls starting just bellow Bivouac Hut. After a short regroup at the hut we continued on with the wind picking up as we reached Castor and Pollux outcrops. The clouds were caught low on the mountain and were being blown all over the place by the strong wind, it felt great to be walking within it all.

Looking to the Summit from just above Bivouac Hut

Looking up the Staircase Spur

Just bellow the top of the Staircase

Looking across to Eskdale Spur

Snow poles leading to the Summit Cairn
Once we made it to the summit ridge the wind was really blowing making it a bit challenging to trudge along the crunchy snow. Fortunately as a result of the wind, the visibility was fantastic. The views in every direction were fantastic.

Quartz Ridge down to Cairn Creek, Feathertop in the distance

The Summit

Icy snow pole

Looking to Mt Wills
We carried on through the icy wind and eventually made it down to the protection of Cleve Cole Hut. With tents pitched and the fire going a few from the group headed down to Howman's Falls to kill some time. We were rewarded with a decent flow of water and some nice ice formations.

Cleve Cole Hut

Ice on the gutter at Cleve Cole

New Hilleberg tent getting its first taste of snow for the year

Ice at Howman's Falls
Back at the hut the group settled in for a cold night with most choosing to camp in tents. Although the temp dropped to -5 overnight it was dry as bone with no snow to be seen in the morning. On Sunday morning we broke camp and headed back to the summit hoping for some gentler winds. We were luck that things had died down significantly making the view from the summit even better than saturday.

Looking towards the BHP and Falls Creek

Heading back to the Summit

The summit ridge

The summit cairn
After photos and what-not at the summit we made our way back down the staircase and returned to the mountain creek. An excellent weekend had by all i think.
A big thank you to members from the YHA Bushwalking Club for organising the trip and good company over the 2 days.