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Budawangs trail clearing

Tue 21 May, 2024 4:28 pm

I saw this on the Shoalhaven Bushwalkers FB page:

Last week 5 Shoalhaven Bushwalkers joined with the National Parks and local contractors ( Above the Rest Tree Care and Gettin it Done Tree Services) to do some much needed track maintenance in the Budawangs We all felt we made a huge difference as the tracks were so overgrown and non existent for a lot of it with the marked track on maps incorrect for a lot of it. We’ve cleared from Kilpatrick Creek through to Mt Haughton Caves so now is the time for a great overnight hike from Sassafras Thanks Rob Perry for organising and coordinating Hopefully next year we’ll be able to do likewise on the extremely overgrown section further south over Mt Tarn

Re: Budawangs trail clearing

Sat 25 May, 2024 2:44 pm

Good to hear of collaboration between NPWS and local bushwalking clubs. Supporting volunteers is so important.

Re: Budawangs trail clearing

Sun 06 Oct, 2024 7:03 pm

This is superb. Thanks for sharing. I hope to check it out before the spring growth gets too out of hand.

Re: Budawangs trail clearing

Mon 07 Oct, 2024 8:06 pm

Just did a trip from Sassafras to wog Wog over the October long weekend.

As others have said, the crew has done a fantastic Job from the fire trail all the way to Mt Haughton. It seems as they didn't make it all the way around Haughton, (we ran I to a shoalhaven busherwalker member in monolith) she said that it become to dangerous from that point and turned around. It was fairly tough route finding over tarn until you get the the south western end of the tarn (just south of the other high point) where we found the track again.

Some more clearing and maybe even restoring the walk boards would do wonders to reconnecting the park together. Otherwise its not something that I'd be keen to do again unless with the right group.

Overall thank you so much for the voultners and tree guys for opening up the trail to styles Creek it's like a highway through there now. Very much appreciated.
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