Hi All
Last time I ventured up Shrouded Gods (Buddawangs/Morton NP, NSW South Coast) I was short on time and had read that the scrub is dense and tedious on the top. So a few days ago I gave myself lots of time and was rewarded with spectacular views to the coast with Pigeon House, Bayangee Walls and The Castle looking more like a medieval fortress than from any other angle.
The reason for the post is that after the bushfires the going on top is not too bad. But I imagine that in a few years it will be very tedious again. So the opportunity window is now!
If you are interested the way up is discussed in this post "Buddawangs beta". The rope is black just to keep you on your toes. The view from just beyond the top of the rope is spectacular and if you are short of time it is well worth climbing to just this point. From memory it's about an hour up and down. Venturing beyond, the path was reasonably easy to follow (though I did see wombat droppings so beware of false promise), the main thing being it doubles back North West before ascending. Once at the top, the most important thing is to take a good look behind you! Even with a GPS, and the odd cairn, like the other poster mentioned, I got lost on the way down - it just looks like sheer cliffs everywhere. As ever, back up and look harder if you find yourself contemplating a neck breaking drop.
Once at the top there are no tracks, the going was not like the top of the castle, the scrub is much more dense, but you can walk North to view Monolith Valley and Don Jon, and you can bushbash West to get the aforementioned spectacular view. It looked like someone found a small patch of flat rock on which to camp and there was a little water in puddles but I was glad to only have a day pack.
Hope you are inspired!