RNP Ramble.

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Re: RNP Ramble.

Postby Allchin09 » Sat 14 Dec, 2013 12:35 am

PolAir spotted the tents and campsites easily from the air, and then NPWS and Police went in on foot. The idea is that on total fireban days, the NPWS know where they are, and they can be notified that the park is unsafe to stay in and that it is best to leave for the day.
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Re: RNP Ramble.

Postby Pteropus » Sat 14 Dec, 2013 1:33 pm

GPSGuided wrote:I'd believe it in the depression (there were many), but 2013?

The shack communities originated in the depression, with the nasho's shacks being some of the last remaining shacks that sprung up along Australia's east coast. It is not so unusual to find people living under tarps in the bush though. I once found a tent up in the Palm Jungle, that was half covered by a fallen branch. I expected to find human remains, but it was empty except for an old sleeping bag and a few rusted tins of food, which were unaffected by the branch. I guess the occupant had not been home or was missed by the branch...
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Re: RNP Ramble.

Postby Oldwalker1942 » Tue 23 Apr, 2024 6:09 pm

Have been interested in the discussion on Waterfall to Karloo Pool and beyond. At the time there was a clear track all the way down Kangaroo Creek. About 20 years ago there was still a clear track down the Upper Kangaroo Creek. Alas, I've given up trying to get through now. There's still a good track as far as the big waterfall. Beyond that the floods have wreaked havoc. The last time I did it was climbing over fallen trees and working through debris. An exhausting walk.

Kangaroo Creek below Karloo Pool was also a clear track. I did this walk many times, first with my mother before1960. As a teenager in about 1963 I camped with mates at a waterhole and there was still a clear track all the way down to Audley. There was even a track from the Head of Navigation along the lower creek and a bridge over the river leading to the old Guest House behind the boatsheds. You can still get down Lower Kangaroo Creek on what I call the Blue Dots Walk. Follow the blue dots for the best route. Bridge gone now so you have to climb up the ladders and follow the Robertsons Knoll trail to Audley.

Regarding the best map to use. The most recent RNP maps seem to me to be pretty hopeless. Nice glossy coloured things that stick together in the rain with. The symbols are in the wrong place, tracks inaccurately drawn, they are more diagrams than maps. The best map of RNP was the old 1960 or so black and white map from the Central Mapping Authority drawn by Frankie Hammond. Frank was a meticulous cartographer and everything was right. The map is dated now of course but if you're looking for old tracks, that's the place to go. The 1:25000 topo map Port Hacking is good but the scale is a bit small for the number of tracks that need to be shown. I I was using it I'd print off the bit I wanted at an enlarged scale.
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