Yesterday, 4 Sept, was a beautiful day in the mountains. My son Geoff and I hiked from Corin Dam up Stockyard Spur to Little Ginini. It certainly was a climb and a half. I am in awe of the people who built the hundreds of wooden steps and who have improved the track. The last time I walked up Stockyard Spur it was just a goat track.
We met 4 day walkers and 2 campers on the spur. They all mentioned that there was still much snow at the hut, but not much elsewhere.
Some shots from yesterday's walk.
The land effect on the wind, creating what sailors call catspaws, looked cool. Bimberi (+1900m) is the main mountain.

Mount Franklin.

When we finally reached the top, the track on the flat, was well appreciated. The average climb was a slope of 22.5% with some bits approaching 40%

Mount Gingera late in the day.

The highlights of the day were, we saw 5 Emus, dozens of Flame Robins, a few Stinkers, one Red Neck and several Eastern Greys. The forests looked very healthy, the views were stunning, the track is awesome and the hundreds of steps made the climb easier than in the past.
The lowlights were it hurt a lot and this morning I could hardly move thanks to lactic acid buildup in my quads.
PS, I took these two shots last week from Mt Arawang, looking over the Bullen Range to Gingera and Bimberi. Bimberi still had much snow showing then.