After 2 failed attempts to get back into the Budawangs, we finally made Wog Wog - and with a good forecast, too.
In 2022, we were set to leave Victoria on a Saturday morning for a Budawangs tramp - but the 1st lock-down was announced on the Friday night ! The following year the plan was remade but 2 days before, a forecast of serious rain had us cancel the trip. I've previously had 4 days of torrential rain in the Budawangs (June 2007) and when finally able to move, made it to a 40m wide raging torrent - the normally 'step across' Wog Wog Creek. Not keen to repeat!
I'd read a 2013 trip report of a group exploring the upper reaches of Broula Brook (Batemans Bay Bushwalkers) which initially followed an alternate route off the Corang Plateau (see the Budawangs Sketch Map BSM) by heading north from near Corang Peak, down a steep unnamed Pass (Corang Pass?), back up through a narrow gap & down into the brook. It was a hard slog but we made the 'clearing' beside the brook & pitched tents. We were too knackered to do much exploring - the growth was pretty thick near the brook. The evening was filled with multiple competing lyrebirds - magic. On exit, we found a much easier route - for next time.
Water was trickling at Canowie & Burrumbeet Brooks but I wondered about availability in the upper Corang & at the overhangs at Mt Cole so we carried a few kg of extra water. As it turned out, not necessary - pools & a trickle at both.
Into Monolith Valley, we dropped packs & headed up onto Shrouded God – a fun climb & terrific views.
I had thought to cross to the NE end and descend to Holland Gorge, looping around to Angel Creek & back up to Mt Cole – but sanity prevailed! Although it’s open enough on top, the climb up with full packs would be tough enough but the steep descent into the Gorge might have been a push too far.
Instead, we continued on to Cooyoyo Creek and early next morning climbed the Castle & wandered out to the east end for fabulous view of Byangee Walls & Pigeonhouse.
Be warned that, until some decent rain, there is not a drop of water in the normally reliable hollows on the Castle or Shrouded God (20mm on 5 Oct may have eased things a bit).
From the Castle we intended to camp at the western-most Mt Cole overhang so decided to go via Mt Owen rather than back through the Green Room – I’d climbed Mt Owen as a day trip previously but, with a full pack & more than a few years older, it was a challenge. The cairned route up was hard enough but the bouldering coming out of the gap was tedious indeed. We were glad to see the overhang unoccupied (lucky, unlike the group of 4 that arrived in the dark later that night).
On the return to Wog Wog we explored the overhang in the upper Corang (marked on the BSM) and camped beside the Corang River near Broula Brook, the weather warm enough for a refreshing splash.