Bally Mountain Conservation Area

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Bally Mountain Conservation Area

Postby gentlemanbushwalker » Mon 17 Sep, 2012 10:56 pm

Hi all,

I noticed in the Mt Cougal/Springbrook Thread there was some interest in Bally Mountain.
Having been about 5 or 6 times this year to explore the area I wanted to make a little rant but didn't want to Hijack that thread.

First of all, keeping in line with this site's policy (and a little common sense) - Bally Mountain is an ecologically sensitive area, and as such I won't post exact directions on how to get to the track. Having said that, it's dead simple to navigate if you have a toppo or GPS, and walking is allowed in the area an there IS definitely a track. ... untain.pdf

Half the fun is finding the start point - why should it be ruined?

Beware that QLD Govt is protecting their purchase however... One of the more out of place signs I've seen out on a walk!

There are peaks on the property; Little Bally mountain and Bally Mountain

Little Bally Mountain from 'Big' Bally Mountain

Bally mountain from Little Bally Mountain, looking across the razorback

Both have well defined tracks going to the summit with little deviation from the West (Bonogin Valley). Don't try to access from Tallebudgerra valley - you will only get strange looks from the locals!

Little Bally is a very pleasant walk, not too strenuous, quite short, and shows off some of the area's goods. There are some absolute beauty xanthorrhoea's up there and a shack (Complete with guestbook - post in this thread if you sign it!)

'Big' Bally is not really big at all - shy of half a kilometer off sea level it is no Everest but has some fantastic views of Springbrook, Tallebeudgerra and Straddie.

Boyd's, Cougals and Mt Warning

There is one exposed section getting up there where those like me will have a gut-in-throat moment.
The south side of the summit has more great views of Springbrook valley.

The razorback between little bally and bally mtn has a track across it and is quite a thrill - quite like the Cougal Razorback but a little more exposed, but not as high (still a very lethal fall though).

The razorback pointing east as seen in most of the literature I have not been able to get to as yet. It looks simple enough to get to, but.. well it always looks simple.
Nothofagus cunninghamii
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Re: Bally Mountain Conservation Area

Postby tomh » Tue 18 Sep, 2012 9:16 am

Thanks for that gbw, a very useful summary of the area and good photos.
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Re: Bally Mountain Conservation Area

Postby dtbaker » Sun 15 May, 2016 9:41 am

The entrance from Bonogan is currently in nice condition. No long grass down below.

Hut still hanging in there, be careful where you step :)

Little Bally Hut

View still the same 4 years later :)

view of Mt Tallebudgera, Cougals, Mt Warnings and Springbrook

And back at the coast:

the coast view

Does this rocky outcrop have a name? Has anyone been around/up this? Southern side in between little/big bally.


Cheers :)
Nothofagus gunnii
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that Bally Mountain

Postby KrazyKeith » Wed 07 Sep, 2016 9:09 pm

Sept 7th 2016, despite various postings that advise approaching the Bally Mountain zone from Bonogin on the north side, we tried an approach from more familiar territory - Tallebudgerra valley on the south side. So we drove on up Dove road, past the 'end' of google street view, past the alpacas by the lake and just past the end of the tarmac to where the track reaches a sort of horse pen. Had we been accomplished riders we might have continued on horseback - but as it was we simply parked up and walked along the track on 2 feet, although our new companion had 4 hooves - next time I'll bring him some carrots. As an easy 1 km or so, the Dove road reserve runs up gradually to a gate which presumably marks the end of the road reserve and start of the Bally Mountain 'block' of public land [ could the gate actually be a bit before the end of the road reserve ? ]. Then the well maintained track swings left then right and climbs up NNW under the v steep ridge spur that points SE from the main Bally Mountain ridge. Along the well maintained track there is considerable evidence of recent human activity - someone has put much chemo effort into defeating the local lantana, I'm glad to say.

Eventually the cleared track area ends in a sort of right angled corner where the ridge we just walked under meets the famous razorback ridge between little Bally on your right and Big Bad Bally on your left. After a bit of scouting around, a path was visible (now fleuro'd) so with a short scramble we were up on the razorback and enjoying some really spectacular views to the north, south and east - with Bally Mountain immediately to the west. I'd guess our elevation at about 320 m. Next time we'd better be sure to take a camera Lol ! Even without any souvenir piccies it was a v rewarding 3 hour excursion - well worth further exploration along the razorback.
Nothofagus gunnii
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Re: Bally Mountain Conservation Area

Postby nmarkroberts » Tue 01 Nov, 2016 10:56 am

Here's a map of the area, click through for PDF

KrazyKeith, can you please annotate on that map the route you took and send it to me?

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Re: Bally Mountain Conservation Area

Postby surfie » Wed 25 Oct, 2017 2:01 pm

Hi there,

I'm new to this forum.
I was looking to climb up Mt. Bally but for the life of me could not find the track.
I tried both Tallebudgra valley side and also the Bonogin side.

From what I'm reading here the Bonogin side is the way to go?
I entered at the end of Bonogin road, and kept on the main (gravel) track. I came passed a wooden big gate and climb up quite steep road (it was almost paved road). Then I got to a clearing and there was a council truck parking there. I kept going but basically came to a dead end next to a creek. Did I go the correct way.

I went back down and just before getting back to the "car park" there was another track just behind the private property. There is a gate there with signs that indicate Bally mountain. Is pass this gate the correct way?
I'm very lost and really would like to find the way.

I also tried via Dove road, but arrived at a clearing where the track just stops / disappears.

Any help with be much appreciated.

Nothofagus cunninghamii
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Re: Bally Mountain Conservation Area

Postby dtbaker » Wed 25 Oct, 2017 4:43 pm

Here's two of my recordings, not sure why that second one cut out half way :-/ ... d=13289109 ... id=7175572

There are probable other recordings on wikiloc. If you install that app there is a "follow" function that you can do to follow a previously recorded gps track. Not overly user friendly app but works well once you know how it use it.

Yea the track that goes to the left behind the private property sounds right. Suggest finding someone who's done it before, there are quite a few OH CRAP WRONG WAY points.

And coming back down, there's a "stumble down a rocky cliff" way and another way down. Different directions but same end point. I believe the various meetup groups do this track quite often if you want to tag along.


Here's another one on runkeeper too, not sure if that is more accurate.

If the path is overgrown (i.e. head height grass) you will struggle to find the start.
Nothofagus gunnii
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Re: Bally Mountain Conservation Area

Postby surfie » Wed 25 Oct, 2017 8:36 pm

Thanks dtbaker. Much appreciated.

I installed wikiloc on my phone and will give that a go.
Nothofagus cunninghamii
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Re: Bally Mountain Conservation Area

Postby ofuros » Fri 09 Jul, 2021 8:27 pm

This caught my attention.
For those who know the area.

Making a anti clockwise circuit up Bally, over Little Bally then down via private land/track is off limits... ... 838693944/

Pdf of Correct route to Bally Mountain here...up & back the same way. ... 754S1LL9Qo
Mountain views are good for my soul...& getting to them is good for my waistline !
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