Mt Barney: Leaning Peak, Norther Pinnacle, East & West Peaks

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Mt Barney: Leaning Peak, Norther Pinnacle, East & West Peaks

Postby farkewie » Thu 29 May, 2014 2:08 pm


Previous attempt at leaning: viewtopic.php?f=48&t=6473

We went much better than expected. We camped next to the car on the Friday night. Up early for steak and eggs, walking by 0620. Slow start to the day, made it to the waterfall base by about 0800, was super steamy at this point with the previous night’s rain and the sun starting to force its way up.

Looks like there has been some decent fires in the region recently, we could easily see a clean line up the left ridge of the waterfall this time, clean but still steep… We pushed on with a lot of huffing and puffing, as the morning went on we started to realise we picked a great beach weekend for this hike, the sun was making itself known! Being Tassie bred and forgetting my hat this was a particular issue for me.

The scrambly sections seems more scambly to me this time, haven’t been on rock or bushwalking for a long time. Steve as usual smashed out a few dangerous solos to get us to the top. After looking at some other routes up the ridge we’ve realised we bypass all the easy parts. We have a tendency to stay on top on the ridge, if its hard then climb, we never drop low to get around technical sections. I can’t remember what time we through our ropes over the back of leaning but I’m thinking it was about 1300, we were pretty happy with our results compared to the last effort, especially because we had our overnight gear this time. We then pushed over to what looked like a false summit of North Pinnacle but was actually the real deal, only too about 30 minutes.

From here it was an easy scramble/bash down to rocky creek where we camped (setup by 1430!!), we couldn’t believe it, our epic had become super achievable. The next morning after a lazy 0800 start we bashed our way straight up to East Peak, took us about 30 minutes, legs were tired but not too bad, after a drink and feed at Rum Jungle we dumped our packs and headed up West Peak, this is where things changed for me.

With the sun beating down on my unshaded face for the second day in a row I really started to suffer. I was over heating and suffering all the way up the peak, the little man in my head started to tell me to just bail and meet Steve at the bottom. We all know what we say to that little ma  After recovering in the shade at the top we made our way back to Rum Jungle for some proper lunch and REHYDRATION. 2 hours round trip all up.

We dud the usual slow slog down Peasants Ridge, which has a lot of erosion that looks pretty fresh, plus some ropes on the 2 scramble sections. We weren’t allows to touch these, banned from the mission otherwise ;-). Got to the mountain bikes feeling better than expected, and started the ride to Lower Portals. It as easy we were smashing it! Until the hills… once again the sun owned me on the first hill. It was just beating down on me and I instantly over heated, ride turned in to walk, this happened on each hill. Back at the car by about 1500 I think? With Ice cold beers wating in the fridge, we lay next to the car recovering with beer planning how we are going to do it in a day next time, and what of track ridge we can bash our way up for an epic overnight trip.

Couldn’t walk on Monday… or Tuesday…
Athrotaxis cupressoides
Athrotaxis cupressoides
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Re: Mt Barney: Leaning Peak, Norther Pinnacle, East & West P

Postby DARRIN-G » Thu 29 May, 2014 5:05 pm

Fantastic feeling when u have finished .I am fit but had trouble walking the next day, I try to walk backwards down pesants ridge where safe , easier on the knees , I'd like to try logans ridge being inspired by both reports thanks Darrin...
Nothofagus gunnii
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Re: Mt Barney: Leaning Peak, Norther Pinnacle, East & West P

Postby isoma » Sat 31 May, 2014 3:24 pm

Great job guys!

farkewie wrote:

planning how we are going to do it in a day next time

Now we're talking !

Have you heard of "Barney all peaks" ? I believe Robert Rankin was the first to do it. He did Isolated, Leaning, North, East, West and Bippoh IN A DAY!
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Athrotaxis cupressoides
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Re: Mt Barney: Leaning Peak, Norther Pinnacle, East & West P

Postby DARRIN-G » Sun 01 Jun, 2014 9:59 pm

Yeah ill have to visit the library and grab his dvd n books for some research but mayby more a multi day hike . The same as his Spicers gap to Tiviot gap in a day Its on my to do list as a multi day hike as well, maybe after as a challenge but first to enjoy thanks Darrin
Nothofagus gunnii
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Re: Mt Barney: Leaning Peak, Norther Pinnacle, East & West P

Postby farkewie » Mon 02 Jun, 2014 1:05 pm

These sounds like some huge days!! Spicers is pretty high on the lift. Have attempted before and failed pretty badly..
Athrotaxis cupressoides
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