Castle Crag circuit, Green Mts.

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Castle Crag circuit, Green Mts.

Postby ofuros » Fri 02 Sep, 2011 8:47 am

After seeing this view from a short walk to python rock lookout.....just knew i had to return & mooch along its long spine.
The crag itself is an easy scramble, not that long, but the rest of the rainforest circuit, taking in the lookouts, is around 12km all up, a half day walk.

Start of the Castle Crag section, looking back up the Albert river gorge, Lost World to the right just out of view.
Once the crag is conquered the circuit track meanders its way along the left ridge to moonlight crag, orchid grotto & lyrebird lookout,
before crossing Marans creek & heading back towards O'Reilly's.

View from along the crag

The track was fairly easy to follow, but can be a wallaby track at times,
theres pink ticker tape, & some yellow/green stripey tape strung up to help you out along the way.

View from Moonlight lookout....looking back towards the Castle Crag.

and finally back to civilization.....

Its was a good excuse to give my new Mariposa backpack & Scarpa boots a run. :)

May have to book a campsite next time...take my time & check out some more of these great walks in the Green Mts area.
There's even a couple of sites with trees where you can hang a hammock.

Campsite fees:-
$5.30 adult, single night
$21.30 family, single night
Showers are free.

Sunmap 25,000 series HILLVIEW

Mountain views are good for my soul...& getting to them is good for my waistline !
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Athrotaxis selaginoides
Athrotaxis selaginoides
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Re: Castle Crag circuit, Green Mts.

Postby Currumby » Mon 19 Sep, 2011 7:34 pm

Thanks for sharing those pics Ofuros. I just came back from a weekend (9 sept) up at O'Reillys for a birthday party. Managed to sneak in a quick venture out to Echo Point. Extremely cold weather with icy southerly winds, but beautiful blue crystal clear skies. Was keen to have a look at Castle Crag and on to Lyrebird Lookout so may have to wait until next time.
Nothofagus cunninghamii
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Re: Castle Crag circuit, Green Mts.

Postby ofuros » Thu 22 Sep, 2011 2:59 pm

Thanks Currumby,
Living in a warm & sunny state we tend forget that it gets cold at altitude & that daylight disapears faster
in those steep sided valley's.

Love the area in general & who doesn't enjoy waterfalls, rainforest & lookouts.
Camping with showers, a meal at o'reilly's, on the verandah overlooking the valley, soaking up the suns rays.
Its all good. 8)

Glad you enjoyed the post.
Mountain views are good for my soul...& getting to them is good for my waistline !
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Athrotaxis selaginoides
Athrotaxis selaginoides
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