Off track, half day walk.
Clearing cloudy skies & sauna-like humidity, had the sweat pouring out of me, as I headed upwards under the eucalypt canopy.
The 2 litres of fluids I was carrying, was the bare minimum, as I ran out just as I hit the bottom on the return leg. Should've known better.

Soft, loose loamy dirt underfoot in places, especially in the rainforest tunnel section. Be careful you don't loose
traction & get spat out, Indiana Jones style, onto the hillside below.

Early morning dew made the rocks slippery in the scrambling sections. Not so bad on the way back,
as the sun overhead had dried out the rock surfaces.
Enjoy the views on the way up, as there is limited visibility on the summit.

There's a tiny clearing at the summit suitable for a small tent & plenty of options for hammockers along the ridgeline.
Explored along the whoop-de-doo western ridge for a little while, someone had snipped here & there with machete or a pair of secateurs,
making it easier to follow, hoping to do this circuit next time.
So much for 'leave no trace'.

My eyes love seeing these sorts of views....
Main Range traverse...on my to do list.
Summit, oh so close...
Main Range traverse viewed from along the western ridge.
You can actually see the Steamers, far away in the distance from this tiny view point too.
Nice spot for a snack & feel the cool breeze on your face.
5 attachment I'll post a 2nd part.