Spicers Peak....

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Spicers Peak....

Postby ofuros » Sat 11 Jan, 2014 7:58 pm

SunMap 25,000 series, Cunninghams Gap
Off track, half day walk.

Clearing cloudy skies & sauna-like humidity, had the sweat pouring out of me, as I headed upwards under the eucalypt canopy.
The 2 litres of fluids I was carrying, was the bare minimum, as I ran out just as I hit the bottom on the return leg. Should've known better. :oops:
Soft, loose loamy dirt underfoot in places, especially in the rainforest tunnel section. Be careful you don't loose
traction & get spat out, Indiana Jones style, onto the hillside below. :shock:
Early morning dew made the rocks slippery in the scrambling sections. Not so bad on the way back,
as the sun overhead had dried out the rock surfaces.
Enjoy the views on the way up, as there is limited visibility on the summit. :wink:
There's a tiny clearing at the summit suitable for a small tent & plenty of options for hammockers along the ridgeline.
Explored along the whoop-de-doo western ridge for a little while, someone had snipped here & there with machete or a pair of secateurs,
making it easier to follow, hoping to do this circuit next time.

So much for 'leave no trace'. :evil:

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My eyes love seeing these sorts of views....

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Main Range traverse...on my to do list.

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Summit, oh so close...

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Main Range traverse viewed from along the western ridge.
You can actually see the Steamers, far away in the distance from this tiny view point too.
Nice spot for a snack & feel the cool breeze on your face.

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5 attachment maximum....so I'll post a 2nd part.
Last edited by ofuros on Mon 13 Jan, 2014 1:37 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: Spicers Peak....

Postby ofuros » Sat 11 Jan, 2014 8:00 pm

Stumbled upon this big beauty in the damp, rain forested summit.
It wasn't me with the red lippy, honest !
After a little digging, I found out it's called a Triboniophorus graeffei ....
..or in laymans terms, a Red Triangle Slug.
More basic info here...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_triangle_slug

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A no tick day..is a good day. :wink:
Done & dusted,
Last edited by ofuros on Sun 12 Jan, 2014 7:03 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Spicers Peak....

Postby Giddy_up » Sat 11 Jan, 2014 8:07 pm

Worth it though, great views from up there and an interesting little critter there as well. Well done in the heat and humidity we have been having, you would have shed some moisture on the climb!!!!!
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Re: Spicers Peak....

Postby ofuros » Sat 11 Jan, 2014 8:17 pm

Cheers Giddy_up, I'm loving the Main Range at the moment.
Although a nice long beach walk like Yuraygir coastal walk would be nice too,
or maybe cooling waterfalls rockhopping adventure, just too add some variety to my walks. :wink:
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Re: Spicers Peak....

Postby drewmac » Thu 14 Aug, 2014 1:35 pm

Hi Ofuros,

Rather than start a new post.
Thought i would add to yours.
Gave Spicers a run on Wednesday.
No one else, was a beautiful day.

Looking up at the peak.

The top forest.

Furry Trees.

Rock Face.
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Re: Spicers Peak....

Postby ofuros » Thu 14 Aug, 2014 5:12 pm

Nice one drewmac,
Good to see someone else enjoying the Main Range too.
The temps at this time of year are just perfect for walking. 8)
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Re: Spicers Peak....

Postby drewmac » Thu 14 Aug, 2014 7:41 pm

Hey there,

I'm loving that place too.
Went around to Mt Mitchell as well.
The views from up there are endless.

Loved the solitude.
This time of year is just brilliant.

When you want to do the main range let me know.
Could be a starter, if you do not mind some company.

See you on a track sometime.
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Re: Spicers Peak....

Postby Champion_Munch » Thu 14 Aug, 2014 10:09 pm

Hi there ofuros/drewmac,

I'm pretty keen to get myself up Spicer's peak sometime, but not sure if the scrambling involved would be beyond my level... what degree of difficulty would you consider this hike and how does it compare to other walks around SEQ?

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Re: Spicers Peak....

Postby cams » Fri 15 Aug, 2014 8:55 am

Champion_Munch wrote:Hi there ofuros/drewmac,

I'm pretty keen to get myself up Spicer's peak sometime, but not sure if the scrambling involved would be beyond my level... what degree of difficulty would you consider this hike and how does it compare to other walks around SEQ?


There isn't much full on scrambling and if you take the route which Take a Walk recommends (away from the cliff line) at the second last cliff band there is not much danger. I would say there are just a couple of bits where you simply have to be careful (such as traversing below the final cliff band to the muddy steep bit to finish), but nothing too hard. Just some fitness to deal with the steepness. And watch out for the stinging nettle towards the top.
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Re: Spicers Peak....

Postby drewmac » Fri 15 Aug, 2014 4:53 pm

Pretty straightforward, sure up a few rock scrambles.
One I went up, only saw the go around when I came back down.
It can be a bit loose and that could be disconcerting.
You do get close to the edge too.

A metre or two from the edge, but great views.

On the way down at top of a scramble.

Once you start going up it is mostly like this just steep.
This is after scrambles and just below top.

When you wish to go let me know, I would get up there again.
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Re: Spicers Peak....

Postby Champion_Munch » Sun 12 Oct, 2014 12:53 pm

Hi all,

On cams/drewmac's advice, I gave Spicer's Peak a shot last weekend... was an excellent (if very tiring) walk! Lost the track a few times on the descent but other than that (and the heat) had no trouble.

Ofuros, I didn't see that view that you have... was it that you have to follow the track that diverts just before the rock cairn on the summit to see west from the top? I wasn't sure if that track was heading towards the west peak or for the traverse.

I assume these multitudinous white flowers are temporary springtime visitors? I can't seem to find them in other people's photos of the walk.

Some photos below (more on my blog). Did anyone else spot the funny shaped grasstree spike?

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bees galore
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it's a looong way down
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looking south across the main range
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Y from this angle and N from the other side
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Last edited by Champion_Munch on Tue 14 Oct, 2014 8:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Spicers Peak....

Postby ofuros » Sun 12 Oct, 2014 4:33 pm

Hi Champion_Munch,
Once you get through the rainforest tunnel to the ridge, turn right instead of turning left to the summit.
You can just make out a pad heading along the ridge for the West Peak, you'll get limited views of Mt Mitchell along the way.
I followed it as far as the steep descent to the saddle. On the way back I stopped & had a bite to eat & took that photo.

Here's another shot without my pack & shrubbery in the way....you can just make out the Steamers in the distance,
just above that cloud's shadow on the tree canopy, top right corner.

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Last edited by ofuros on Sun 19 Oct, 2014 8:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Spicers Peak....

Postby Champion_Munch » Sun 12 Oct, 2014 6:05 pm

Another nice shot! How long down to the saddle do you remember? Next time I'm up there I might see how far I can get on a day...
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Re: Spicers Peak....

Postby ofuros » Sun 12 Oct, 2014 7:22 pm

About 15mins walk along the ridge before the terrain drops away.

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Re: Spicers Peak....

Postby ofuros » Sun 19 Oct, 2014 7:27 am

Champion_Munch wrote:Another nice shot! How long down to the saddle do you remember? Next time I'm up there I might see how far I can get on a day...

'Spicers via the Backdoor' or nicer sounding 'The Circuit' is do-able in a day...did it yesterday in a anti clockwise direction. :wink:
Park at Governors Chair carpark, head for the Mathieson track junction but turn left onto the 4wd track instead.
At the time of writing there's water at the first creek crossing.
Follow that to the N.P fenceline, then follow that to the ridgeline. Now your off an running to East & West Spicers Peaks.
There's one large boulder looking outcrop,sitting slap bang in the middle of the ridge inbetween East & West peaks,
you'll have to drop down the saddle here, in the loose dark loamy soil, and go around the base & back up to the ridge again.
Again water for drinking is an issue so take enough & use wisely.

50m from the carpark. It's just about to shed it's skin.
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1st creek crossing, a water source if your running low, filter or boil....maybe at the end of a clockwise circuit.
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Campsite on the ridge to West Peak. Would be nice bathed in morning or afternoon light.
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West Peak cairn.
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Best plan of attack.....
Early start. Climb in the coolness of morning.
Traverse forested ridge in the heat of the day underneath the shady rainforest canopy.
Drop down to the car park as the setting sun sets.
Or the overnight option of course....

Last edited by ofuros on Mon 20 Oct, 2014 2:59 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: Spicers Peak....

Postby ofuros » Sun 19 Oct, 2014 8:07 am

Couldn't help myself.....a few more. :D

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