Gradys Creek Falls

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Gradys Creek Falls

Postby dis » Wed 13 Sep, 2017 6:35 pm

Always seeking out new waterfalls, we decided to seek out the Upper and Lower falls on Grady's Creek (which is situated in the next valley south of running creek - just south of the Queensland border). With some mentions and small track notes in the SEQ guidebooks, we set off from Brindle Creek Road down to the Upper Falls. There is absolutely no sign of a track, so navigation skills are a must. The route is essentially a ~5km bush bash through lawyer vine and dense rain forest.

Upper Grady's Creek Falls

The following day, we set off from the end of Main Creek Road (which runs parallel to Grady's Creek), down a steep gully into Grady's Creek. We then started the long 7km rock-hop up to the Lower Falls which lie up the second main tributary. Watch out for the odd Stinging Tree on the way up!

Lower Grady's Creek Falls

Cooling off at the Falls

It was great to finally mark these two off the list! Has anyone else been to these falls?

Also FYI, the snakes are out in force. We spotted a total of 7 snakes (2 browns, 3 red-bellie blacks and 2 pythons) so be on alert!!
Nothofagus gunnii
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Re: Gradys Creek Falls

Postby dis » Thu 14 Sep, 2017 9:09 am

Nothofagus gunnii
Nothofagus gunnii
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Re: Gradys Creek Falls

Postby pastuseby » Thu 14 Sep, 2017 11:29 am

Not sure if these are the same falls, but about a year ago two of us did the Antartic Beech Picnic Area at the top of the Border Ranges down to what used to be the Grady's Creek Circuit. At the western end of our walk we reached what appears to be your middle photo. So maybe an easier way for you next time would be south straight uphill, you will hit the road in about 2km. I went out to Cockscombe (Nivana Point) on another occasion and intended to use Grady's Creek for a water resupply but unfortunately it was dry on that occasion so spent a day out there without any water. Many tell me that they use to walk well trod tracks out there but since it was declared Wilderness and World Heritage all signs of the track have being removed by NSW NPWS and it has all but disappeared. It is also not a good idea to follow any of the pink ribbons as in my experience they (the owners) were lost also. A good set of waterfalls on Lynchs Creek (at least 7) between the top and the valley floor. No way to walk it definitely an epic abseil. One of the best I have ever done. I have youtubed the video.

After writing/posting the above I checked out your GPX and it appears that we, on our trip, were actually on Brindle Creek. So there is another waterfall for you to search for.
Nothofagus gunnii
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Re: Gradys Creek Falls

Postby dis » Thu 14 Sep, 2017 12:28 pm

Thanks. Are you able to send me the GPX of your travels around Brindle Creek?

On another note, how are the tracks around Nirvana Spur, mainly between Tweed Twig and Point Lookout?

Lynchs Creek looks like quite an expedition. I'd obviously need to refresh my abseiling skills before attempting anything like that.
Nothofagus gunnii
Nothofagus gunnii
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Re: Gradys Creek Falls

Postby pastuseby » Thu 14 Sep, 2017 2:06 pm

We ( Northern Rivers Bushwalkers Club ) were doing a camp at Sheep Station Creek and I led an aborted day walk to Cockscombe. We were unable to find any track and were fast running out of light (got about 2/3 of way there). Undeterred about 2 months later I put it on as a two day pack walk. That was the time with no water. My intention at the time was to get a good feel for the area before I attempted Point Lookout. The going was that tough that I decided that it was going to be at least 3~4 days for the return. Enquiring within our group many said that 20 years ago it was an easy day walk there and back. You are welcome to my GPX, I am 61+ on wikiloc I will try to post ASAP.
Nothofagus gunnii
Nothofagus gunnii
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Re: Gradys Creek Falls

Postby pastuseby » Thu 14 Sep, 2017 2:15 pm

Also should mention at the disused cockcombe camp we were hard put to find an area big enough for a tent, completely overgrown. In the morning at first light we went out to the cockscombe point and had one of the most stunning views ever. Bits and pieces lying around out there from yesteryear. So we could tell it once was the spot to be. ... ifFjrsrmJI ... 6H0ILqKllZ
Nothofagus gunnii
Nothofagus gunnii
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