Always seeking out new waterfalls, we decided to seek out the Upper and Lower falls on Grady's Creek (which is situated in the next valley south of running creek - just south of the Queensland border). With some mentions and small track notes in the SEQ guidebooks, we set off from Brindle Creek Road down to the Upper Falls. There is absolutely no sign of a track, so navigation skills are a must. The route is essentially a ~5km bush bash through lawyer vine and dense rain forest.
The following day, we set off from the end of Main Creek Road (which runs parallel to Grady's Creek), down a steep gully into Grady's Creek. We then started the long 7km rock-hop up to the Lower Falls which lie up the second main tributary. Watch out for the odd Stinging Tree on the way up!
It was great to finally mark these two off the list! Has anyone else been to these falls?
Also FYI, the snakes are out in force. We spotted a total of 7 snakes (2 browns, 3 red-bellie blacks and 2 pythons) so be on alert!!