Mount Castle Info
Tue 10 Jun, 2014 11:14 pm
Done the walk from Cunninghams Gap to Mount Castle over the long weekend . Left a car at private property below the mountain, as described in the take a walk book , went to the knoll at the north east side and we scrambled down around 40m two sections one was 10m back and the other maybe 30m both were very steep and crumbly and seem to drop off steeper we bailed and went down around the pinnacle to the eastern side and traversed back to the car .Has any body been down as described there weren't any markings there , unlike other walks there wasn't any tap etc the whole way witch made it more challenging . I would like to finish that part another time, definitely starting from Sylvesters look out
Re: Mount Castle Info
Mon 16 Jan, 2017 8:54 pm
by swarvo88
gday mate
did this walk about 2 years ago now we had to split it up over 2 weekends after realising the bush bashing from cunninghams through to sylvesters was taking way too much time, the trip down from the top of castle was fairly hectic actually it took us about an hr to find the way down and it was super steep a couple of times having to take packs off and drop them around or down rocks of edges it wasnt far back from the north west point maybe 20m or so and as you say it did look like it just drops away to nothing but it sorta drops down about 15m then goes around to the east abit then does the same thing again and again by memory was really interesting and some crackin views we found no markings either and made worse by fairly heavy cloud cover we were not really sure we were heading down the correct place
Cheers Doug