After flying into Darwin at some ridiculous hour I caught a few zzzz's in the back of my hire car before zipping down to the gorge. A quick pack of gear and inflation of the packraft & I was away. There was a strong headwind which I thought was going to be problematic but ended up ok with the pack on the front. After paddling past a big croc trap I suddenly heard the ominous sound of air bubbling quickly into water. After a bit of panic I reAlised it was just the seat- phew!!!!
The gorges were amazing! There are 9 gorges with rocky port ages between them. This is where the packraft came into its own. While others dragged and scrapped thru I put my pack on and popped the raft under an arm and I was away! Rock hopping over with ease

By the time I got to the 4th Gorge campsite it was getting on so time to call it quits for the day. There were a few others camped on the sandy beach including a couple of young Outdoor Ed'ers from Darwin who were interested in the raft. Delightful spot.
Next day I paddled up to the 7th gorge against another strong headwind whipping down thru the gorge. But it was nice floating back to the 4th for my second night.
Next day I wAs off early to get back as it was time to quickly reshuffle gear and start the Jatbula Trail!
Awesome trip in some beautiful country....