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Balmoral Track, Jarrahdale WA

PostPosted: Mon 20 Jun, 2016 9:19 pm
by Redtail
Having attempted the full Balmoral Track this past weekend, I'm wondering if anyone else has done it.

To be clear, I'm not referring to that section of the Munda Biddi bike track, but the actual walking track from Mundlimup to Sullivan Rock.

Armed with some decent maps, GPS planning and the local guide book, we managed to find most of it, albeit a little unloved and not at all maintained in some areas. It became very difficult to follow in the eastern section as we crossed Herold Rd, heading towards Sullivan Rock carpark. The track just disappears into the forest. Quite by accident, around there we found a solitary yellow marker, but sadly no others. We stayed on in the bush for a bit, but impending rain and darkness saw us head back to the road for the last 3.5km.

There appears to be a clear trail at the end by the Sullivan Rock carpark, right by a very large sign marking the track. I'm determined to go back one day and see if I can find the track heading back that way. Perhaps join it all up.

From the little I can find, it appears to have been marked back around 2000. It's still in the Jarrahdale Heritage Society guidebook, but I wouldn't recommend anyone use that as the sole descriptor.

If anyone's got an old map, or even a GPS plot, I'd be really interested to share.


Re: Balmoral Track, Jarrahdale WA

PostPosted: Sun 15 Jul, 2018 3:13 pm
by Eljimberino

Re: Balmoral Track, Jarrahdale WA

PostPosted: Sun 15 Jul, 2018 4:27 pm
by Redtail
Since that post, two years ago, I've actually been working with the Jarrahdale Heritage Society to restore the route.
They're a great bunch who've been hard at it this season. Keep an eye out for an announcement of the re-opening of this track sometime this season.
Then we'll have a Jarrahdale-Bibbulmun spur! :D

Re: Balmoral Track, Jarrahdale WA

PostPosted: Tue 17 Jul, 2018 3:41 pm
by Eljimberino

Do you have a map per chance?

What about a connecting walk from Serpentine Train Station to the start of the Jarrahdale walk via Serpentine falls?

Re: Balmoral Track, Jarrahdale WA

PostPosted: Tue 17 Jul, 2018 5:30 pm
by Redtail
No final map yet. Once complete, I would expect we can publish walk notes and a GPX file (with the track and waypoints).

From Serpentine Train Station, one can walk to Serpentine Falls along Karnup and Falls Roads (about 4km), then use the Kitty's Gorge trail to get to Jarrahdale.
However, I don't think the train station is in use these days, especially not by passenger trains? Perhaps by coach, or as a drop-off point?

I'm not across the broader plans for walk tracks in the area, but if you'd like to PM me with your details, I'd be happy to pass them onto the JHS.

Re: Balmoral Track, Jarrahdale WA

PostPosted: Thu 19 Jul, 2018 11:24 pm
by Eljimberino
The Australind stops at Serpentine and Mundijong stations.

I look forward to exploring these areas.

Thank you.

Re: Balmoral Track, Jarrahdale WA

PostPosted: Tue 11 Dec, 2018 8:23 pm
by Eljimberino
Hi. I saw the signs up for this track on Sunday when I was at Sullivans Rock.

Plan on getting the train to Serpentine and following your route starting this Friday arvo.

Will walk to S Rock and continue up to Kalamunda.

Will report back.

Re: Balmoral Track, Jarrahdale WA

PostPosted: Mon 17 Dec, 2018 1:38 pm
by Eljimberino
I wasn’t able to walk from Serpentine to Sullivan rock because I couldn’t get a lift. I walked from North Bannister north instead.

My mate did tho and he said the falls and Kitty gorge sections were great.