Access issues and private property

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Access issues and private property

Postby davidp » Mon 23 Jan, 2023 6:25 pm

#justpassingthrough I have set up this page where anyone can record ACCESS issues for walkers trying to cross private property (or closed public lands) in NSW or ACT to reach wild areas. Please list the issue on this page with a link to where more detail can be obtained. Please provide a brief overview, one photo and location only rather than the full detail. We are all just but passing through on our journey on this planet and we have a responsibility to leave it in good shape for others that follow. If the page works I will set up similar ones for other states.
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Re: Access issues and private property

Postby davidp » Mon 23 Jan, 2023 6:33 pm

NSW Budawangs - Corang Lagoon. The historic 1960 walking track from Wog Wog to Corang Lagoon and Adjacent Twin Falls crosses wilderness crown land that has been sold by the NSW government to a private investor who has subdivided the land and erected keep out fences. A strong campaign to reverse the decision is building. For details see blog on this site Private Property signs on Corang Loop And the fb group Keep Corang Open
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Re: Access issues and private property

Postby davidp » Mon 23 Jan, 2023 6:53 pm

NSW Budawangs - Mt Currockbilly. Access to this mountain to the south of Wog Wog is from Charleys Forest Rd but you have to walk through 300 m of private land to reach the National Park. At present there are no issues and no one stops you but who knows this may change in years to come. I don’t have any links to more detailed info but if I get some I will post it here.
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Re: Access issues and private property

Postby anarresti » Tue 31 Jan, 2023 9:46 am

The pipeline track, Newnes to Glen Davis
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Re: Access issues and private property

Postby johnw » Tue 31 Jan, 2023 9:56 am

anarresti wrote:The pipeline track, Newnes to Glen Davis

I thought I read some time back that the private property issue was either resolved and track reopened, or they diverted the track to avoid the access problem?
There is no current NPWS alert advising closure. There is a current closure of Newnes campground though, due to a landslide.
John W

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Re: Access issues and private property

Postby anarresti » Tue 31 Jan, 2023 1:19 pm

This is good news if so! Hadn't seen it listed on any NPWS sites, so assumed it was unresolved still
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Re: Access issues and private property

Postby johnw » Tue 31 Jan, 2023 1:46 pm

anarresti wrote:This is good news if so! Hadn't seen it listed on any NPWS sites, so assumed it was unresolved still

This may be where I read it, not 100% sure:
John W

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Re: Access issues and private property

Postby Hoojar » Thu 02 Feb, 2023 9:05 am

Reaching the upper section of Macquarie Pass Nation Park requires crossing private property. WIthout crossing the private property, it is very difficult to access the upper abseils of Macquarie Rivulet Canyon. The landholder in question refuses all access (my understanding is he even refuses access for Police/SES training trips).

I have never managed to contact the landholder, but have contacted several neighbours whose phone numbers I could track down, all told me not to bother speakign to him, as the answer is, and always will be, 'No.'

Whilst this land access issue has been known about for many years (I can remember the land owner chasing me and some friends with a video camera on Boxing Day 2005), it has over recent years become more widely acknowledged by NPWS. ... cal-alerts

Applies from Tue 18 Jun 2019, 9.18am. Last reviewed: Mon 5 Dec 2022, 10.49am.

Closed areas: Restricted access to Macquarie Rivulet
There is no access to Macquarie Rivulet from Mount Murray, at the top of Macquarie Pass. If you access the rivulet from the top of the escarpment, you will be trespassing on private property. Access to Macquarie Rivulet is only permitted via Clover Hill Road.
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Re: Access Issues Private Property

Postby davidp » Fri 03 Feb, 2023 9:21 am

Mt Moon QLD Here is one example ...
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Re: Access issues and private property

Postby davidp » Fri 03 Feb, 2023 9:27 am

NSW Budawangs Corang Lagoon details are here ... lit=corang or see facebook group Keep Corang Open
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Re: Access issues and private property

Postby davidp » Wed 08 Feb, 2023 8:30 pm

NSW - Budawangs National Park and - Morton National Park. Here are some other access issues in the Budawangs area. #justpassingthrough

Currowan Falls
The walking route to the Falls from Budawang Road currently goes through private land (DP755918 Lots 16 and 33). It would be desirable if these lots were incorporated into the National Park or an easement or ‘right of way’ reached with the landowners to enable walking access to the Falls.

Mt Curruckbilly
Access to the western side of this mountain requires crossing 300 metres of private land. This is DP755949 Lot 139. There appears to be a ‘paper road’ on the southern boundary of this lot which connects to the western boundary of the National Park. This access problem could be addressed either by acquiring Lot 139 or converting the ‘paper road’ into a formal easement for walkers.

Webbs Firetrail and Adjacent Escarpment
Acquisition of land along Webbs Fire Trail would bring all of the escarpment into Budawang National Park. This concerns DP755949 Lot 12.

Cockpit Swamp
Wog Wog Walking Track southeast of Snedden Pass crosses 300 metres of private land. This concerns DP755970 (part of Lots 86 and 99). Apparently, this land is for sale and whilst it is badly affected by previous pine plantations there is currently an opportunity for NPWS to acquire it for incorporation into Morton National Park. This would give permanent protection for the Wog Wog Walking Track which also has cultural significance as a First Nations trading route. Alternatively, there is an opportunity for NPWS to negotiate with the owner (or future owner) for an easement or ‘right of way’ to formalise walking access along the Wog Wog Track.

Bobs Creek and Dirty Creek Swamp Catchments
This land (DP755918 Lot 230) is currently owned by pro-conservation individuals so there is an opportunity to negotiate a purchase for acquisition into Budawang National Park or to encourage a VCA (Voluntary Conservation Agreement). That would provide a more rational boundary for the National Park. It is possible that at some time in the future, the land could be purchased by someone less willing to see the land incorporated into the National Park. A VCA could stop that.

Corang River, Corang
Incorporation of these two areas into Morton National Park would provide easier access for bushwalkers to the Corang River. The land concerned is DP613618 (Lot 1) and DP755970 (Lot 35). Alternatively, there is an opportunity for NPWS to negotiate with the owner(s) for an easement or ‘right of way’ to formalise walking access along the existing tracks.

Endrick River
This is another block for which incorporation into Morton National Park would provide boundary rationalisation and better protect a tributary of the Endrick River and provide easier access to the Endrick River Firetrail. The relevant land is DP755944 (Lot 145).
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Re: Access issues and private property

Postby davidp » Wed 08 Feb, 2023 8:59 pm

TAS - DOUGLAS APSLEY EAST COAST To get the ball rolling here is an example with an excellent outcome. In 1989 after a long campaign by locals, conservationists and bushwalkers the Douglas and Apsley Rivers was declared a national park. Local landowner Arthur Jones owned land at Rosedale Road and a thin strip of this was donated to The Wilderness Society. The land is still used to this day to provide access to the very popular swimming hole on the River. Without that landowner donating that small strip of his land the public would never have been able to access this beautiful pool. More details and photos are here ... tid=W9rl1R
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Re: Access issues and private property

Postby davidp » Wed 08 Feb, 2023 9:05 pm

TAS - EAST COAST - ORFORD RIVER CONVICT RUINS Another good outcome. On the north bank of the Orford river is a convict road to convict ruins. Both the road and the ruins are on private land. The land owner, in cooperation with the local shire has ensured public access to these sites of cultural significance, for the good of all. In return the council has agreed to cover any liability insurance issues. We, like the convicts before us, and the original Tasmanians, are just passing through. #budawangs #coranglagoon #wogwog #justpassingthrough Details and photo are here ... tid=W9rl1R If only Corang Lagoon in NSW had a landowner like this !
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Re: Access Issues & Private Property

Postby davidp » Wed 08 Feb, 2023 9:11 pm

VICTORIA - EXAMPLE I dont actually know of any Victorian example so here is one from the UK instead to get the ball rolling. ... tid=W9rl1R
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Re: Access issues and private property

Postby Baeng72 » Wed 08 Feb, 2023 9:34 pm

I guess in declared Ski season you have issues getting to the High Plains/Mt Stirling Circuit road due to resorts closing public land and DELWP shutting down vehicle tracks, though the former can be sorted with a fee, the latter late-spring/early summer. ... rmits-2023 ... -closures/ ... ort-entry/ ... ort-entry/
And so on...
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Re: Access issues and private property

Postby icefest » Wed 08 Feb, 2023 9:46 pm

Getting from the end of Buffalo Creek road and the national park is hard, as the new landowner on the end threatens you with harm if you try.
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Re: Access issues and private property

Postby michael_p » Thu 09 Feb, 2023 10:52 am

141 Kent St in Bullaburra is for sale, listing here: This property incorporates a section of Bruce's Walk (it even notes this in the listing). If sold the new owners may stop access to this section of Bruce's Walk.
One foot in front of the other.
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Re: Access issues and private property

Postby Tantell » Thu 09 Feb, 2023 2:28 pm

Hi, I'm walking the Colo Meroo access track shortly with the kids, have heard on some random comments that there a locked gates etc as the access track passes through private property- does anyone have any updated info? Cheers
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Re: Access issues and private property

Postby johnrs » Thu 09 Feb, 2023 4:34 pm

Ignore the crazies on your way into Colo Meroo, you are on aright of way, its been going on for decades
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Re: Access issues and private property

Postby Tantell » Thu 09 Feb, 2023 5:20 pm

Haha thanks John
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Re: Access Issues & Private Property

Postby stry » Thu 09 Feb, 2023 5:28 pm

icefest wrote:Getting from the end of Buffalo Creek road and the national park is hard, as the new landowner on the end threatens you with harm if you try.

A little research to determine the status of the "road" should resolve that issue, albeit perhaps not to the landowners satisfaction.
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Re: Access Issues & Private Property

Postby stry » Thu 09 Feb, 2023 5:35 pm

stry wrote:
icefest wrote:Getting from the end of Buffalo Creek road and the national park is hard, as the new landowner on the end threatens you with harm if you try.

A little research to determine the status of the "road" should resolve that issue, albeit perhaps not to the landowners satisfaction.

Have a play on here. If you can open aerial imagery it will give you an overlay showing actual boundaries. ... 52033e3a84
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Re: Access issues and private property

Postby michael_p » Fri 10 Feb, 2023 3:50 pm

michael_p wrote:141 Kent St in Bullaburra is for sale, listing here: This property incorporates a section of Bruce's Walk (it even notes this in the listing). If sold the new owners may stop access to this section of Bruce's Walk.

The plot thickens. The crown road that ran through this property was sold in February 2022. It was Lot 1, DP1278774 if you want to look it up on SIX maps.
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Re: Access issues and private property

Postby rcaffin » Fri 10 Feb, 2023 8:26 pm

Hi, I'm walking the Colo Meroo access track shortly with the kids, have heard on some random comments that there a locked gates etc as the access track passes through private property- does anyone have any updated info? Cheers

Yes, there is a locked gate - a large one. But there is no impediment to walkers.
The reason for the locked gate is a good one: it keeps the 4WDs and trail bikes out! They had been coming in and driving all over the place, down to the river. NOT good!

Last time we walked thru one owner waved cheerfully to us from his verandah and said good-day.

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Re: Access issues and private property

Postby Tantell » Sat 11 Feb, 2023 12:19 am

Does that mean we have to climb over or are we able to open it? Cheers
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Re: Access issues and private property

Postby johnf » Tue 14 Feb, 2023 1:29 pm

davidp wrote:Mt Curruckbilly
Access to the western side of this mountain requires crossing 300 metres of private land. This is DP755949 Lot 139. There appears to be a ‘paper road’ on the southern boundary of this lot which connects to the western boundary of the National Park. This access problem could be addressed either by acquiring Lot 139 or converting the ‘paper road’ into a formal easement for walkers.

Why is this an issue? The "paper road" is crown land and you can walk along it. Just need to keep going straight ahead where the road goes into a Y
davidp wrote:Cockpit Swamp
Wog Wog Walking Track southeast of Snedden Pass crosses 300 metres of private land. Alternatively, there is an opportunity for NPWS to negotiate with the owner (or future owner) for an easement or ‘right of way’ to formalise walking access along the Wog Wog Track.

Good idea for NP to acquire, but how hard to reroute the 300m section to stay on the boundary?
davidp wrote:Bobs Creek and Dirty Creek Swamp Catchments
This land (DP755918 Lot 230) is currently owned by pro-conservation individuals so there is an opportunity to negotiate a purchase for acquisition into Budawang National Park or to encourage a VCA (Voluntary Conservation Agreement). That would provide a more rational boundary for the National Park. It is possible that at some time in the future, the land could be purchased by someone less willing to see the land incorporated into the National Park. A VCA could stop that.

Maybe an idea for a conservation group to negotiate with the owner to get a VCA. The conservation group could potentially pay some of the costs in getting the VCA.
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Re: Access issues and private property

Postby tastrax » Sat 18 Feb, 2023 4:08 pm

Letter from the owners attached

ADMIN comment -- I appreciate everyone sharing information to help us better understand this complex issue. With this specific PDF, I have chosen to redact names and a specific personal feature. I am not able to be confident about who the author actually is (but have no reason to doubt the authenticity), but there is no way for me to know how factual the statements are. This forum is not the place (nor do we have resources for such investigations) to discuss the accuracy of such claims, nor would we be able to give justice to anyone affected. I think there is value in leaving the letter here since the discussion has been ongoing - but I ask everyone to take care in making assumptions about fellow walkers and landowners. Not everything on the internet is true, nor is it a great place for nuanced discussions.
Let's keep focused on we can walk and how to legally and respectfully improve access to such amazing places.
Cheers - Phil

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Re: Access issues and private property

Postby Warin » Sat 18 Feb, 2023 5:26 pm

tastrax wrote:Letter from the owners attached


That would certainly get my back up ... and I think there will be no negotiation given the action of walkers, however small the guilty number maybe. Leave them alone and walk around their property.

The National Park boundary is clearly seen in OSM and that should be visible in most maps produced from OSM as a source. Perhaps some need pink tape to follow around the private property, but I suspect the vandals would take it down and wander through the private property.
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Re: Access issues and private property

Postby davidp » Wed 22 Feb, 2023 6:55 am

Hi everyone.
Please try to keep this page as an index of access issues. If you wish to discuss the issue in depth please do it on another page (with a link from this index page) Otherwise it will get very messy. Many thanks

For example the Corang Lagoon issues are best discussed here ... lit=corang
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Re: Access issues and private property

Postby davidp » Thu 23 Feb, 2023 10:27 am

please see this link here and please make a brief submission
The submission period has started already and is only 28 days long

save our paper roads - justpassingthrough
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