DIY large downdraft tent stove

Discussion about making bushwalking-related equipment.

DIY large downdraft tent stove

Postby telemarktim » Fri 30 Dec, 2022 3:03 pm


This DIY large tent stove is designed to be slim for winter backpacking and uses my traditional clean hot burning downdraft action to efficiently burn bush sticks for heating and cooking for 4 people in my large companion pyramid tent.

The stove requires minimal assembly at camp, burns about 12.5g of damp bush sticks per minute or 750g/hour and weighs about 1,500g. It has an estimated heat output of 1.6kwatts and can provide welcome heating and cooking for four winter trekkers.


Here is a little video of the downdraft burner in action.

For more details on my companion posts, please see: A large pyramid tent with a vestibule. and A universal stove jack for a pyramid tent.

Athrotaxis cupressoides
Athrotaxis cupressoides
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Joined: Mon 17 May, 2021 7:17 pm
Region: Victoria
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