Brand spanking new pair of boots. I'm on to my third pair of these boots - I like them a lot! I'm selling this pair because I decided that I needed a slightly bigger size. This size fits me fine in cold weather but not in hot weather, and my toes get a little squished at times. I bought these ones online from an overseas site a few months ago and they've been in the box ever since. At Bogong's recent sale I decided I should try on the next size up and they fit better, so I bought them and am now rather out of pocket! Specs are in the link below.
They cost $339.95 at Bogong and I doubt you'll find them much cheaper anywhere in Australia. I'd be very happy to get $250 for them. I know it's hard to sell boots on here but hopefully they'll find their Cinderella! Pick up in Brunswick or post at buyer's expense. ... 00-en.html