SOLD [Eltham/Melb Vic]: TOAKS Titanium ware

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SOLD [Eltham/Melb Vic]: TOAKS Titanium ware

Postby craigprice » Tue 26 Oct, 2021 12:54 pm

All sold

Ti bargains for a new home

All items either new or near new, all in excellent condition
Postage in Australia included in price
Pics on request

Toaks 700 ultralight titanium pot w/handles and lid EC as new $50 **SOLD PENDING**

Toaks titanium backpacking tower/gasifier wood burning stove (small) EC - slight discolouration from a singles short test wood burn $60

Toaks titanium pot stand EC new $25

Toaks titanium siphon alcohol stove EC new $50
Athrotaxis cupressoides
Athrotaxis cupressoides
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Joined: Mon 31 May, 2010 12:14 pm
Region: Victoria

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