[FOUND - South Coast Track] Tent

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[FOUND - South Coast Track] Tent

Postby Mountain Rocket » Thu 09 Jan, 2025 6:27 am

As per the subject, I found a tent at Granite Beach on 6 January 2025. If you think it might be yours please send me more details.
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Re: [FOUND - South Coast Track] Tent

Postby matagi » Thu 09 Jan, 2025 7:07 am

I shared your post to the Bushwalking in Tasmania Facebook page and someone has responded.

Will get back to you with details unless you are on Facebook and want to check the page yourself.
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Re: [FOUND - South Coast Track] Tent

Postby JamesMc » Thu 09 Jan, 2025 7:52 am

Just curious, but in what state was the tent found?
- Pitched in the campsite?
- Folded/packed in the campsite but someone forgot to put it in their pack before heading off?
- Dropped on the side of the track?
- etc?
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Re: [FOUND - South Coast Track] Tent

Postby Son of a Beach » Thu 09 Jan, 2025 8:42 am

JamesMc wrote:Just curious, but in what state was the tent found?
- Pitched in the campsite?
- Folded/packed in the campsite but someone forgot to put it in their pack before heading off?
- Dropped on the side of the track?
- etc?

I'm also curious. I've occasionally found items in huts which I wonder if the owner is just out on a day walk and coming back for it, or if they have genuinely lost it. In a hut, I usually leave the item there, as it is less of a problem than leaving it outside. But I do sometimes wonder if I should pick it up or leave it where it is.

It's even more of a conundrum for a critical item such as a tent, which you can't really do without. Leave it there in case the owner realises its missing and comes back for it in an hour or so, or assume it's never going to be found by its owner and carry it out.

I don't know the answers, and only the person on the ground who found it would be able to make that decision, based on the given situation and observations.
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Re: [FOUND - South Coast Track] Tent

Postby matagi » Thu 09 Jan, 2025 2:23 pm

It was dropped on the side of the track after it became detached from the owner's pack.
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Re: [FOUND - South Coast Track] Tent

Postby Mountain Rocket » Thu 09 Jan, 2025 9:50 pm

When I found it the tent was in an open drybag hanging from a tree in the empty camp area and our group was the only one there that night. If it had been closed I would have probably left it but all signs pointed to someone accidentally leaving it behind while packing so decided to take it out.

Anyway thanks to matagi sharing this on FB its owner has been found. So seems to have to have worked out!
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Re: [FOUND - South Coast Track] Tent

Postby matagi » Fri 10 Jan, 2025 5:48 am

Mountain Rocket wrote:When I found it the tent was in an open drybag hanging from a tree in the empty camp area and our group was the only one there that night. If it had been closed I would have probably left it but all signs pointed to someone accidentally leaving it behind while packing so decided to take it out.

That's interesting because according to the guy I was communicating with on FB it was attached to the owner's pack with carabiners which apparently broke "somewhere near South Cape Bay". They didn't have it for their last night. I'm not familiar with the South Coast track, so how does that tally with where you found it?
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Re: [FOUND - South Coast Track] Tent

Postby ILUVSWTAS » Fri 10 Jan, 2025 8:52 am

It's close.
Someone probably found it nearby and put it in a tree at the nearest campsite. In this case granite bay.

I love walking behind the foolish who carry gear on the outside of their pack. You acquire all kinds of new gear.
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