Book-Exploring QLD Parks and Forests $10 + $8 post

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Book-Exploring QLD Parks and Forests $10 + $8 post

Postby Earthling » Wed 02 Mar, 2011 8:42 am

Book-Exploring QLD Parks and Forests $10 + $8 post

This is a very good book published by EPA Qld Parks and Wildlife Service.


Was $30 new if I recall correctly

Heres a write up from the web:
Explore Queensland's parks and forests with the help of this new guide revealing the best places to bushwalk, camp, picnic or simply enjoy the nature of Queensland.
More than 200 national parks, conservation parks, state forests, forest reserves, recreation areas and resource reserves are described in this book. Many have facilities to help you enjoy their special attractions.
Each park or reserve described has one or more pages devoted to it. text includes recreation opportunities, facility symbols, special things about the park, directions and accessibility. Special facilities for disability access are highlighted to make parks and forests more accessible for everyone.
Beautiful colour photography enhances a desire to visit all of these wonderful places.
378 pages.
Soft cover

Pm me here
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Re: Book-Exploring QLD Parks and Forests $10 + $8 post

Postby Earthling » Mon 14 Mar, 2011 6:37 pm

Sent from my home planet Earth using the World Wide Web
Athrotaxis cupressoides
Athrotaxis cupressoides
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