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Sun 03 Mar, 2013 8:16 pm
In the scrub on the way to the summit of Adamson's Peak. Let me know if they're yours!
Tue 05 Mar, 2013 4:19 pm
No claimers = in the bin they go!
Tue 05 Mar, 2013 4:29 pm
Now I found a pair on the South Picton Range, last trip my partner found an almost new pair on the Southern Ranges.
Who is throwing all these sun glasses away in the WHA? Is it a dumping scam?
Do we need to have a 10 cent deposit scheme for sun glasses?
Fri 29 Mar, 2013 8:14 pm
Nope, nope,nope and nope. I've lost plenty, but not in any of those places. In fact, I seem to have stopped losing sunnies and gone on to beanies. If anyone finds a red one between Lake Sydney and the saddle . . .
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