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WTB - walking poles

Tue 30 Jul, 2013 5:41 pm

I'm in for knee op next week so I would like to get some poles to try once back on my feet properly.
Unfortunately I can't afford too much, especially given the fact that I have not used them before and I don't know if I will like them.

If anyone has some old ones that they would like to get rid of please let me know. I'm 189cm tall if that makes any difference.


Re: WTB - walking poles

Thu 01 Aug, 2013 9:53 am

Hey mate - you can get a pair of cheap poles off ebay for about $30 inc. shipping. There are lots of Chinese sellers that are selling them all the time. This is what I did as I was in the same boat - I wanted to give them a shot but didn't want to commit too much money if I didn't like them. So far the cheap poles have been fine. They are just a bit heavier and don't have the nicest handgrips.

Re: WTB - walking poles

Thu 01 Aug, 2013 7:32 pm

Thanks for that, I will have a look :-)

Re: WTB - walking poles

Fri 02 Aug, 2013 12:45 pm

Aldi may have them on sale for $15. Know your size - probably 120cm given 189cm. May be fixed length. They are pretty light too.

Re: WTB - walking poles

Fri 02 Aug, 2013 6:56 pm

No Aldi in Adelaide unfortunately.
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