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WTB Tarptent Moment DW or Stratospire 1

Tue 18 Aug, 2015 7:54 am

Hi All

I am hoping to buy a TT Moment DW or Stratospire 1 from anyone who may be thinking of upgrading or changing their existing kit?
Postage is to NSW. Thanks.

Re: WTB Tarptent Moment DW or Stratospire 1

Sat 05 Sep, 2015 7:44 pm


Re: WTB Tarptent Moment DW or Stratospire 1

Sun 13 Sep, 2015 9:07 pm

Did you see that Franco has a SS1 for sale? He's in Vic- just search tarptent on the forum

Re: WTB Tarptent Moment DW or Stratospire 1

Thu 17 Sep, 2015 10:02 am

Thanks for letting me know Beky
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