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[LOST] Tas, iPhone in Black Leather Case

Wed 10 Feb, 2016 3:49 pm

On Feb 7 I lost my iPhone somewhere on the Gingerbread Track. It was most likely between Mt Rufus summit and Gingerbread Hut, although it could be lower down. I retraced part of my route, but didn't find it.

Chances are rain will beat any finders to it, but I thought I'd put the word out in case anyone is going that way SOON! If you're wondering, I had it on my hip-belt as I was trying out that lovely PDF Maps app (works well ... while you have a phone!) And NO, I hadn't registered it for "Find My Phone", nor as a "personal portable item" for my contents insurance. Live and learn!



Re: [LOST] Tas, iPhone in Black Leather Case

Wed 10 Feb, 2016 3:55 pm

I hope someone comes across it, though if not it is a good opportunity to upgrade to a Samsung!

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
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