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WTB: 2p hiking tent, Scarp 2 or similar

Tue 23 Feb, 2016 12:33 pm

Hi There

I'm interested in a second hand 2p 3/4 season tent. Anything decent and not much more than 2kg would be ideal.


Re: WTB: 2p hiking tent, Scarp 2 or similar

Tue 23 Feb, 2016 5:14 pm

Good price on Massdrop for Big Sky Chinook 2P. Close to what you'd pay for a second hand Scarp 2.

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

Re: WTB: 2p hiking tent, Scarp 2 or similar

Thu 25 Feb, 2016 4:35 pm

Hi Jack,

I've got a MacPac Minaret available. It's a two person, 4 season tent weighing in at 2.1 kg's minimum, 2.4kg total.

It's several years old, I'm the second owner and it's in pretty great condition.

I'm in Melbourne btw.

Re: WTB: 2p hiking tent, Scarp 2 or similar

Tue 15 Mar, 2016 3:34 pm

Hi red...
I am also in the market for a similar tent as Jack. Did you move it on or are you still looking for a new home for it?
Im in Sydney
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