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Need one tent pole

Fri 14 Dec, 2018 2:49 pm

Wanted. Blue Mts/Western Sydney

Need a tent pole of 2880mm length, ie 2.88 metres long. 2 could be better. A little shorter will be OK, say; 2.75m length

For a geodesic tunnel tent - a 15yo+ Kathmandu Polar Star/Polestar.

Message here, or PM me. Thanks.

Re: Need one tent pole

Fri 14 Dec, 2018 4:06 pm

If no-one’s forthcoming, have a look at eBay. I bought some pretty reasonable new aluminium poles for not much.


Re: Need one tent pole

Thu 27 Dec, 2018 9:11 am

If fibreglass would do you can have all my skinny ones for nix except postage but buying FG locally might cost the same. TPT may work out to be a better.cheaper option except for postage but alloy poles do not weigh much.
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