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[WTB] Trekking poles

Sun 07 Apr, 2019 1:59 pm

Hi all
I’m interested to try trekking poles for the first time but didn’t want to buy a cheap pair from Anaconda that I would only upgrade and throw away later but also don’t want to spend $200 on my first pair. So does anyone have some quality poles they don’t need anymore?
I’m 6’5” tall so I think I need ones that extend between 130 and 140cm.

Re: [WTB] Trekking poles

Sun 07 Apr, 2019 2:07 pm

I would find a pair of good sticks from the bush and do some padding for a comfortable hand grip. Some grass trees have perfect straight, sturdy and lightweight sticks.

Re: [WTB] Trekking poles

Sun 07 Apr, 2019 5:07 pm

Massdrop has these on regularly.

Re: [WTB] Trekking poles

Sun 07 Apr, 2019 5:19 pm

I have some black diamond flick lock Z poles that I think are adjustable to the at length.
PM me if you’re interested... I’ll flick you some photos

Re: [WTB] Trekking poles

Tue 09 Apr, 2019 12:09 pm

All sorted, thanks
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