Stoves left over from reviews at Backpacking Light. Used once or twice for the reviews.
Please add P&P to the listed prices.
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Express SpiderIn some ways this stove is the bare guts of the Eta Power and Eta Packlite stove systems. It is of course lighter (195 g) and cheaper. You have to provide your own windshield and pot.
(US$60) $40
- Express1S.jpg (255.92 KiB) Viewed 2085 times
Gravity MFThis is a light dual-fuel stove, taking both Shellite and canisters. I am not sure about kerosene. It works fine.
($100) $50
- PrimusGravityMF.jpg (9.41 KiB) Viewed 2085 times
Gravity II EFThis is less expensive and slightly lighter version of the Gravity MF: it can only handle canisters. It too works fine.
(US$80) $45
- GravityEF.jpg (18.01 KiB) Viewed 2085 times
Roger Caffin