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FS Sydney: MSR Reactors and uprights

Sat 20 Jul, 2019 8:19 pm

MSR Reactor (early) w 1.7 L pot
This is an early version of the current Reactor stove and HX pot, using a cast aluminium base for the heat exchanger. While the cast base probably gives a slightly higher rate of heat transfer, it does weigh more (570 g) than the later version below. The stove does work very well at high power, but it should not be used inside an enclosed space. Comes complete with HX pot with cast base.
This unit was sent to me as a replacement for the original unit sent to me for testing. That became a saga. When the results from proper testing (by me) of emitted CO levels (huge, documented at were sent to MSR, I was told by MSR that this original pre-sale model was not meant to be used, just admired. Right! I believe the original burner design was withdrawn from sale for a few months for modification and subsequently reissued. The changes were not great. Note that i do not have that original model: it was sent back and replaced.
(US$240) $100

MSR Reactor (later) w 1.7 L pot SOLD
This 'later' model has a spot-welded heat exchanger base instead of a cast base, which makes it lighter (496 g) than the early model above. It does work very well for high-power snow melting and boiling, but should not be used in an enclosed space. Comes complete with HX pot.
(US$240) $100

MSR PocketRocket
Older model upright stove.
(US$50) $25
I am selling a range of stoves. They were in general sent to me as Editor of Backpackinglight for test & review. In most cases they have been used no more than 2 or maybe 3 times.

Prices shown in () are US list prices where I can find them; the second price is the sale price. Add P&P (depends on country and weight). For Australia it will be in the range AU$16-19; for the rest of the world it is higher of course. Small upright stoves may prove uneconomic to post, especially overseas.

Contact me via for the correct Paypal address (it is not my email address!). Shipping will be to your Paypal address unless otherwise notified. If not specified in your Paypal account, PLEASE tell me what it is!

Roger Caffin
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