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[FS Eltham Vic] FlatCatGear Snow Leopard stove system

Mon 30 Oct, 2023 12:45 pm

FlatCatGear Titanium Snow Leopard Original cook system (alcohol & esbit) EC $45 (postage included)
Screen used for two alcohol stove test burns, EC with heat colouring - with brand new and unused: snow leopard 2 alcohol stove, simmer ring, Epicurean esbit stove and plate, muffin baking pot

Re: [FS Eltham Vic] FlatCatGear Snow Leopard stove system

Wed 15 Nov, 2023 5:04 am

Craig... after watching a few videos, I think I might have to have a play with this stove set up... is it still available mate?

Re: [FS Eltham Vic] FlatCatGear Snow Leopard stove system

Wed 15 Nov, 2023 5:06 pm


Re: [FS Eltham Vic] FlatCatGear Snow Leopard stove system

Sun 19 Nov, 2023 2:44 pm

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