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[ For Sale] Geelong VIC Oztent KS swag tent

Mon 20 Nov, 2023 1:53 pm
Was on sale recently for $500-
I bought but Cecile won't come camping
Too big to post so pick-up in Geelong
Selling $375- Pick up or organize a courier from here.
Brand new and still in the original box. A good concept and I used it with few problems up at Falls Creek Horseyards a few weeks ago as I also have one It sits well on a matching width stretcher. Best performance is with a tarp over the top and taller poles than supplied.
PM me for more details if needed.
Willing to deliver locally for fuel money

Re: [ For Sale] Geelong VIC Oztent KS swag tent

Fri 15 Dec, 2023 2:19 pm

Bump for Christmas
Now also advertised elsewhere

SOLD Geelong VIC Oztent KS swag tent

Tue 19 Dec, 2023 4:57 pm

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