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WANTED: Knee(s)

Wed 21 Mar, 2012 10:08 pm

Only left essential, but willing to purchase matching pair at the right price.
Must be lightweight (eg: titanium, thermoplastic), impact resistant, durable, and have all necessary attachments (ligaments, cartilages etc) in perfect working order. Minimum warranty period: 20 years.

Re: WANTED: Knee(s)

Wed 21 Mar, 2012 10:45 pm

Yeah look, if you can countenance some bartering and amendment of your terms, I think we should talk.
I'll swap a mostly good left for a reasonable right (no obvious tearing, stains or abrasion).
Mine's not the lightweight kind you were looking for - it's naugahyde or ivory or something. Still functional but.
Your warranty period mentioned was a typo yes? As long as you meant to type 20 *days* (not 'years' - ha ha! - 'years', right..) - then I could be willing to discuss terms.
Last edited by crockle on Thu 22 Mar, 2012 9:40 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: WANTED: Knee(s)

Thu 22 Mar, 2012 7:55 am

most outdoor gear is one year warranty standard!

Might have to try hospitals or get in with a doctor

Re: WANTED: Knee(s)

Mon 26 Mar, 2012 5:47 pm

I'll take a shoulder (right) if you find a spare...

Re: WANTED: Knee(s)

Mon 26 Mar, 2012 6:06 pm

Maybe we should find a donor, Lizzy - I could do with a left shoulder as well. Auction off the other bits to pay for installation . . .

Re: WANTED: Knee(s)

Mon 26 Mar, 2012 6:25 pm

Can't you get them cheap in Asia? Body parts I mean...

Re: WANTED: Knee(s)

Mon 26 Mar, 2012 6:29 pm

I've got a gut going free to good home BUT be warned it's a Gremlim...If you feed it after dark it will multiply.
With this gut comes great responsibility...alas, I was careless.

Re: WANTED: Knee(s)

Mon 26 Mar, 2012 8:34 pm

If your serious, send me a PM and we can organise details...I have donor ready to go.

Re: WANTED: Knee(s)

Tue 27 Mar, 2012 5:05 pm

I have a mate who works in a morgue I am sure he would slip me the key one evening for a small fee 8)

Re: WANTED: Knee(s)

Tue 27 Mar, 2012 9:54 pm ... 1uz6h.html

Bit of a rummage stall here, you should find something that will fit

Re: WANTED: Knee(s)

Thu 29 Mar, 2012 10:43 am

swap 2 dodgy hips for a second hand knee in good condition

Re: WANTED: Knee(s)

Thu 29 Mar, 2012 4:58 pm

Knackered knees? Anguished ankles? Hashed hips? Shot shins? Tormented toes?

Don't let these ailments impede your bushwalking.

You need the amazing new UltraLyte Zippy Frame.

Well, it's actually a modified Zimmer Frame (i.e. it has an amazing new logo). Wild magazine won't give it a plug unless it has a snappier name.
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