[TAS Hbt]Sunny Sports

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[TAS Hbt]Sunny Sports

Postby ignavus davus » Mon 21 Nov, 2011 8:51 am


I am looking to buy a few things from Sunny Sports (www.sunnysports.com) in the next few days, but am a bit put off by the high shipping rates. Was wondering if anyone else in the Hobart area would be interested in getting a few things from them as well to combine shipping? For small to medium items I'd be happy to pay for the entire amount and collect the money from you in exchange for the item when it arrives (I live in Richmond, work at Glenorchy and regularly go to North Hobart and Rosny, so pickup of items shouldn't be a problem) so no risk to you. There are some really good bargains on there like Patagonia Down Sweater Vests for about $80 (very limited sizes/colours) - these are over $200 in Oz (Other similar deals on down jackets as well).

Also, has anyone had dealings with this mob before? Good or Bad? Feedback appreciated.


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Re: [TAS Hbt]Sunny Sports

Postby Lizzy » Mon 21 Nov, 2011 3:22 pm

I have bought from Sunny Sports and had no problem.... if I remember correctly they posted pretty quick
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Re: [TAS Hbt]Sunny Sports

Postby Aushiker » Mon 21 Nov, 2011 3:38 pm


Can't help you with sharing the order, but you might want to take a look at Moontrail.com to see if they have same items or similar at reasonable prices. Their shipping costs tends to be a bit more friendly.

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Re: [TAS Hbt]Sunny Sports

Postby Mountain Rocket » Mon 21 Nov, 2011 4:53 pm

For another spanner in the works http://www.campsaver.com/ also offers free shipping to Aus (plus 10% off for new members) if you spend over $400.
See: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=7985&hilit=free+shipping for more info ;)
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Re: [TAS Hbt]Sunny Sports

Postby ignavus davus » Tue 22 Nov, 2011 10:22 am

Thanks for the replies. I appreciate the suggestions for other sites but Sunny Sports seems to have more of what I want at the moment (I have bought from Moontrail before and been happy with them). Shipping is more reasonable with a bigger purchase so I'll just have to buy a bit more stuff! (any excuse for more gear).
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