[WTB/Trade Melb] Stratospire/Double Rainbow/Lunar Duo

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[WTB/Trade Melb] Stratospire/Double Rainbow/Lunar Duo

Postby dinna89 » Mon 14 Apr, 2014 2:22 pm

I'm looking for a new 2 person lightweight tent setup, I'm looking for either (in order of preference) a Tarp Tent Double Rainbow, 6 Moons Lunar Duo or a Tarp Tent Stratospire

Willing to pay and/or trade my existing tents; a Vango Tempest 200 and an AARN Pacer 1

Pacer 1 - http://www.aarnpacks.com/#!pacer-tents/c204h
Vango Tempest - http://www.backpackinglight.com/cgi-bin ... mpest.html

EDIT - Bought one new, no longer looking to trade
Athrotaxis cupressoides
Athrotaxis cupressoides
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