Mt Barney Camera - Help

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Mt Barney Camera - Help

Postby BarryS » Tue 11 Oct, 2016 8:29 pm

Sorry if this appears to be abuse of the site.

I stayed at Mt Barney Lodge with the University of Queensland Bushwalkers Club Reunion and climbed Mt Barney via the South Ridge on 20 September 16.

Unfortunately I left my camera (Canon G12 in a Sony pouch) somewhere between the rocks on the South Ridge and what is known as Rum Jungle, near the old hut site.

Because I lost it overseas and had no travel insurance I am unable to make any claim - even worse they do not make them any more. Reward for anyone recovering camera.

Barry Smith
56 Orchard Ave
New Zealand
Nothofagus cunninghamii
Nothofagus cunninghamii
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Joined: Tue 11 Oct, 2016 8:19 pm
Region: New Zealand
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